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RE: Project introduction for Arikado Gridcoin pool

in #utopian-io6 years ago

I am very glad you took my advice to heart and added the much needed detail and background. That is absolutely critical in helping to understand the project, especially for a lay person such as myself.

I did have serious issues with this post in terms of grammar, style, and proofreading. The use of language is sloppy, and a bit more care could have really upgraded the quality of this post. I'm going to cite some examples of the various issues.

  • "This is project introduction, differences from other project and roadmap" could have been "This post will introduce the project, compare it to similar projects, and lay out a roadmap for the project's development."

  • "Looks like advertising a little. But it required to understanding what projects is and why pools required" could have been "I realize this part looks a bit like an ad, but it is required to understand what the project is, and why pools are needed required."

  • "If you want to calculate contribution of specific pool user" should be "If you want to calculate the contribution of a specific pool user"

  • "Arikado pool based on imperative programming paradigm" could have been "Arikado pool is based on an imperative programming paradigm"

Taking care with the language you use, going through the text, or having someone else have a look will improve the quality of your posts tremendously, and help people read them and connect with your projects. Posts like this are your project's public window. Make it look nice, and you'll get better responses.

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I agree with your criticisms of the grammar, style, and proofreading in the abstract. In practice, you could state this a little more nicely when it's obvious that the author isn't a native English speaker (most likely a Slavic language in this case) and is doing his or her best to work in English instead of accusing them of being sloppy / careless.:)

I'm not a native English speaker. Taking care with style, grammar, and proofreading is work. It's work for many native speakers as well.

Also, I didn't accuse them of being sloppy. I said the use of language is sloppy. And I didn't use the word careless, I taking more care would improve the post. One is an accurate description of an action, and the other is a suggestion. Neither is about the OP as a person.

Hiding behind passive constructions doesn't change the fundamental message. Somebody is using the language and taking (or not) the level of care you believe is called for, so it reflects on them regardless of how you phrase it.

It's your community, but to this native English speaker the phrasing in your criticism comes across as rude. You could have easily changed the feel of the entire response by omitting the "[...use of language is sloppy, and a bit more care could have really upgraded the quality of this post...]" completely, and it would seem much more friendly and encouraging while communicating the same point.

I'll leave it here, since as I said, it's your community. I do enjoy the posts and appreciate the gatekeeping for the most part!

Thank you for your review, @didic!

So far this week you've reviewed 13 contributions. Keep up the good work!

you do understand Russian (Ukraine) doesn't fully or exactly directly translate to English right? or how obvious it is that English isn't homies first or native language.i dont like or support this or any pool but had to point out the obvious that you're a dumbass and ignorant. who the f cares if you approve f-tard , maybe start considering you're a lame man its obvious.

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