Steem Random Draw V1.0

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Steem Random Draw V1.0

After presenting the first version of the application I was pleasantly surprised by the feedback, and see concrete use cases on the platform.
It made me want to improve the application even more.

So here are the new feature since the last time.

New interface more professional


Hold version - Screenshot V.0


New version - Screenshot V.1

The interface of the V.0 was, in my opinion, too messy.

Header with choice of languages: EN / FR / (RU soon)


Screenshot V.1

clevershovel's probably gonna do the Russian translation.

The app retains our previous choices

The application now saves the options of the last print run so you don't have to reconfigure the options each time.
The information is not stored in "cookies" but with "localStorage".

Correction of the display if no winner, the draw is no longer counted

Before, when the response time of the api steem was too long compared to the display speed, it was not uncommon to get as a result of the draw: @undefined.
Now the application no longer counts empty prints, and proposes to start again.

Improved display of results

Before this update the result appeared in three blocks: "Winner", "Result" and "List of participants".

I decided to merge the 3 blocks and improve the information displayed.


Screnshot V.1

  1. Winner's display
  2. Article statistics, number of votes and comments (responses to comments are not counted)
  3. Here a new part, the conditions of the draw are displayed, and the number of people who were eligible.
  4. And finally the list of participants.

The author of the article can no longer participate.

Before this update, the author could participate himself in the draw, now it is no longer possible.

Added option to prevent winning more than once


Screenshot V.1

barbara-orenya suggested I add an option, so that a participant can't win the same contest twice.

Added option to exclude bots


Screenshot V.1

clevershovel suggested I create a "blacklist" so the bots wouldn't be included in the draw. He created himself the code, I just had to integrate it to the V.1.

Addition of a summary list of winners, if more than one draw


Screenshot V.1

When more than one draw is made, a button appears (1.) to display the list of all the winners (2.).

The winner's link return to the original site.

The link to the winner's profile now redirects to the same site as the one provided by the link.
Before the link would return to busy automatically.

apps :

repo :

Next step

  • (Urgent) I'm having trouble with callbacks, I need some for this application, for now I use setTimeout(getRandomDraw, 2000); but it's not optimized at all. So if anyone knows the callbacks and wants to take a look it's with pleasure -> I've succeeded thanks to harpagon, only locally for now.
  • Add new language if necessary
  • Make the draws with links possible. Done too, only locally for now.
  • (Dream) Connect to the application via steemconnect, and the user posts a comment under his article with the results of the contest.
  • Add option : comment or upvote : clevershovel's suggestion

I am open to all suggestions


You can contact me on my discord -> Deadzy#3449

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Can you add the option that will count those who comment OR upvote (now only comment AND upvote). This one used this option as I can tell

Comment OR upvote = 2 times more chance if we comment and upvote.

But very good idea :) I'm adding to my todolist, unless you want to do it yourself?

No, now I'm busy with my personal project (not on github). I will write you later

No problem :)

Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

You can contact us on Discord.

Thanks you !

Hey @deadzy I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


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  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

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Yes ! J'ai gagné le randow du printscreen de la nouvelle version ! La chance est de mon côté pour les 365 prochains jours ! ;o)

Super chouette programme et j'espère réellement qu'il pourra être mieux intégré et pourquoi pas directement utilisable via busy ?

Oui c'est vrai que ça pourrait être une bonne idée, surtout que je crois que la team busy parlait de "Widget" très bonne idée :)

Ahaha essaye le loto on ne sait jamais O:)

Je n'ai jamais cru dans le loto, quelqu'un a dit un jour que c'était une taxe sur la connerie et ça m'a paru assez juste :o)

Tellement d'accord, les jeux à gratter pareil

C'est mon exception ! Une fois par an à Noël, j'offre à ma femme un tout grand billet à gratter. C'était parti d'une blague il y a des années en lui sortant que c'était potentiellement le plus beau cadeau de sa vie et la tradition est restée :oD

En plus, j'ai plus en tête le ratio gain/dépense mais je crois qu'on est en positifs ! (surtout cette année où on a raflé 5x la mise ce qui compense 5 années à zero ^^)

Si on en abuse pas, tout vas bien ahah :)

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