[New Features on steemr] Functions as vote reports!

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)



New Features

'steemr' is an open source R package for playing with Steem data in R environment. It is used to download, post process, analyze, and visualize Steem data on the basis of the powerful statistic power of R.

What features did I add?

  • Following the suggestions from the utopian moderator, default values of the parameters were removed from the functions, and

  • the database URI for SteemSQL was defined in an independent function steemsql_connection(). Many thanks to the moderator!

  • New functions about the vote information were added, including

    • who_not_vote(), which shows which followers have not voted a post yet,
    • voter(), which gives a vote report of given IDs with all the vote records, a summary, as well as a time series plot of daily votes, and


    A diagram produced by voter() .

    • voter_sum(), which give a report of the voters of a series of posts with a summary and a pie diagram.


A pie diagram produced by voter_sum().

  • Some minor literal changes.

How did I implement them?

I added these new functions in 'R/steemr.r'. For easy maintenance, the hourrose()function was moved into a single 'R/hourrose.r' file.


A screenshot showing that I was writing the functions with the RStudio IDE.

Links to relevant lines in the code on GitHub can be found mainly in my latest commits as follows:

GitHub Account



Thanks for the contribution, @dapeng! Those are some cool new functions - I especially like the pie chart generated by `voter_sum()!

A small thing: the license in your repository just contains this

YEAR: 2018
COPYRIGHT HOLDER: Peng Zhao <[email protected]>

It would be best if you'd update it to contain an actual license.

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Thank you for your comment! The format of the license is required by CRAN. You could find the line in DESCRIPTION file:


These two things can generate the right license by CRAN. Otherwise CRAN does not accept the submission of the package.

but you are right. Maybe the complete license can be written in another file, e.g. readme.md, which CRAN does not care much.

I see, thanks for clarifying.

Hey @dapeng
Thanks for contributing on Utopian.
We’re already looking forward to your next contribution!

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