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RE: Android App Development Series #3 - Intent Extras/Bundles, ListView, and Custom Adapters

in #utopian-io6 years ago

I like your effort but it feels like you are going a bit too fast for new users. On the other hand you are a bit too slow for people that already know java but are new to Android development. What is your target audience?

(Please don't take this in a negative way.)


Not negative at all ^^ Thank you for the advice. This definitely is a bit fast for completely new users you are right, that is why I have mentioned a basic knowledge requirement of both Java, and XML.

Though I would like to mention, if you are one of the new users you speak of, in terms of java/etc, one of the best ways you can start learning, is grabbing simple scripts/projects like this, that are well explained and broken down for you, and just play around with it. Take bits out, add bits in, see what happens when you change the code in small ways, getting more and more advanced. If you really want to understand something further, an excellent resource is the Android Developer Docs -

I hope this helps you all ^^ One of the most informative things about code, is interestingly seeing how it breaks.

Thanks for the reply.

No, I am not one of the complete beginners (and I know the dev docs, even did the getting started course there back in the days). I have been developing a few low-level android apps myself.

The way of learning that you mentioned is what I did when I was still very young and started to learn HTML and PHP. I never really learned why that code snippet does this and that but only that it does. In retrospect, I feel like this was the wrong way approach this. Years later, I did a complete course on codecademy where I learnt everything anew. With the knowledge I already had combined with the why and the correct ways of best practice offered in the course I found myself to improve tremendously.
If I could now give one tip to my past self it would be that the underlying theory is way more important than initially thought.

Please don't take it the wrong way. I'm very grateful that you are posting this series and especially with techniques applied to the steem blockchain! Keep it up!

Haha I really don't mind the input. I think you are right. It should be mentioned that I do not code professionally, and have not yet taken any courses as of yet, just done alot of practicing at home in my free time, scored a few jobs here and there depending on what needed doing xD

I really do agree with you though, the people reading this should definitely do more than rely solely on my tutorials, but there are many resources out there, as everything I've written in these is stuff I've learnt off of the internet.

I also have been hearing more and more that a Udemy course might be interesting and helpful for me, though I have not yet heard of code academy. I will give it a looksie, and am more and more considering it. Perhaps it will even improve the way I can teach people ^^

Thank you for your advice friend! Also, If you wanted to talk more personally or perhap send a few helpful links, I am in most of the main steem channels under the same username, and am always down for some friendly chat :)

You're very welcome!
Udemy could be useful, too (never checked that out). This is codecademy:

Sure thing! If I'll ever encounter you, I'll make sure to write you.

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