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RE: Steem Bot Tracker - Send Bid Feature Improvements

in #utopian-io6 years ago

Hi buddy,

I know that this is not very "fresh" post but I still hope you can advise/help me.

I was trying to use to boost my posts and I experimented a little bit with this tool.

My impression is:

  1. if Im planning to upvote my own post as soon as possible after post has been published, then I will benefit the most as an author and curators will benefit very little (as they will most likely upvote after bots did their job).

Is that correct?

  1. So if I would like to benefit my curators (as Im really here for right reasons) then the best think is:
  • NOT self-voting right after I publish post
  • allow curators to upvote on your post (hopefully they autovote)
  • after 30minutes self-vote and then start using bots.

This way my own reward as an author will be smaller, but all my curators would get bigger portion of reward. Am I right?

I hope you can share your experience. And of course check out my profile if you are passionate about cryptomarket or AI.

Cheers, Piotr


Kinda. Your curators get the most if they wait till after 30 minutes to upvote you. If they upvote before 30 minutes, you get more of their vote and they get less. So if you want to maximize the curation reward your followers get, you should wait some time after 30 minutes to buy the votes.

There's a little more going into it with curator vote ordering and vote weight, but that's a little over my head. Just remember that if you're buying votes past the 30 minute mark, you're buying income for your curators and likely taking a loss on the vote yourself. If that isn't something you want to do, you should try to buy votes as soon as you can.

Of course, if you have less than a few thousand STEEM none of this really matters. Just focus on putting out content!

Thank you kindly for your reply.

I also think that upvoting myself with little steam or even using bots will not really matter much. I cant imagine building fortune by being upvoted by bots. no matter how profitable it would be - it can only bring you that far.

I think it's best to focus on building solid follower base and trying to reward my upvoters is the best way I can imagine of doing that. Does it make any sense?

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