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RE: SteemAX Update: v0.2 Release

in #utopian-io6 years ago

Thank you for your contribution. It's great to see that you have taken the feedback and improved a lot in this contribution. Though refactoring is not considered as a new feature, and I feel the feature added in this contribution is not much.

One more thing, have you thought about SQL Injection because I can see you are using Update Statement into the db and if you do not take care of that it might corrupt your database.

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Thank you for your feedback but although I absolutely love Utopian, the feedback I've received lately as me baffled.

Thanks for noticing that I refactored the code, but I'm taken aback by your comment that not much has been made to "this contribution". First of all, "this" contirbution is entirely my project as no one has yet added to it but me. So it is "my" contribution. Second, I added more code and functionality in this update than was previously there, thus more than doubling the code base. The entire pictorial walk-through describes functionality that was not there before this update. Is there not a shit ton of new functions??? So I'm left wondering what it takes to impress a developers mod that I have indeed "contributed much" to the project??? I've literally spent the last 2 weeks coding for hours every day.

It also leaves me wondering why you would have left a comment about SQL injection when I clearly state that user input needs to be filtered and sanitized in my "future tasks" list. So it really seems to me that you did not read my post entirely, nor did you have a clear idea of the history of this project. Also, I'm sure a quick look at the commit history on my github repository would have given you a better clue as to the amount of code added since my last post.

Thanks again for your feedback. I really appreciate you taking the time to look at my code. If the amount of code contributed, and the quality of that code all determines the value of a utopian upvote, than I honestly expected a bigger upvote than the one previous. But hey, nothing's perfect. Thanks again.

You correctly said that the project is your and you have made the update and not anyone else but refactoring the code is great but wouldn't it be done on the first place itself. What I mean is that according to Utopian Rules "Outdated or low quality code will lead to rejection.", thus we accept the contributors to submit the refactored code, but we know that we all are learning and will not be perfect from the starting. And when I said that " I feel the feature added in this contribution is not much", means other than Refactoring the code base I do not see many updates to make it as a too good of a contribution.

When I said "SQL Injection", I have just given my suggestion after looking at the code and not by overlooking this sentence "The memo messages that are parsed by SteemAX need to be filtered and sanitized for security."

Seriously? What part of "doubled the code base" do you not understand? What part of "add two new modules" do you not understand? How did you become a moderator? Let me hold your hand and take you through the CODE that I ADDED to this VERY RECENT project.

If you bother to go to this link and open my commit history like a professional utopian moderator, than you will see that the refactoring I did constitutes less then 10% of the work I did for this update. Yet for some reason you can't see this? Also, if you bother to look, you'll see two new branches that were created on the repository. The entirety of the history of those two branches constitutes the work I've done for this update.

You state:

What I mean is that according to Utopian Rules "Outdated or low quality code will lead to rejection.", thus we accept the contributors to submit the refactored code, but we know that we all are learning and will not be perfect from the starting.

Honestly, this is somewhat nonsensical English, which is obviously not your first language, but if I'm to surmise it's meaning than I suppose you're trying to say that SteemAx is old and that I simply refactored it? REALLY???? Please tell me I'm misunderstanding you.

I feel the feature added in this contribution is not much", means other than Refactoring the code base I do not see many updates to make it as a too good of a contribution.

Nope. You really can't see the work I've done. What a shame.

At this point, I simply want you, a Utopian moderator, to admit making this mistake. You have obviously COMPLETELY overlooked the work I did, made terrible assumptions that were flat out wrong, and have insulted me and the work I've done.

At this point I do not need a new review score. I am not trying to get a better upvote. I'm trying to get YOU to admit to a mistake, so that I can have faith in utopian moderators once again.

Thank you.

Let me go through the list of Updates you have stated in your Contribution -

Practically the entire code base has been refactored into neatly organized classes instead of module definitions. The code is a thousand times cleaner, easier to read and runs faster. Hundreds of lines of redundant code was removed and made to be more pythonic. - Seems like a Refactoring

A logging and error messaging system as implemented throughout all classes giving a plethora of new information about all SteemAX transactions and invites. This creates a log file named "error.log" and when logging is set at the "INFO" level all transaction activities are logged. - Part of Refactoring

A new MySQL database was created to keep track of all authorization transactions. Each time SteemAX processes its transaction history, a record is made of the transaction including all relevant actions taken. This is used to prevent redundant transactions and keep track of the last transaction that was processed so that new transactions can be identified. - Cannot call it a feature

The authentication process was made more robust, and a number of bugs were removed. Steemax can now be run on my home laptop and perform almost all of its primary functions. Now that's efficiency! - Utopian Rules says "Bug Fixes for contributor’s Own Projects will not be accepted, unless the Bugs were caused by third party dependencies."

Doc strings have been created and comments have been embellished so that they are more informative to those reading the source code. This will be an ongoing process so that as much confusion as possible is dispelled from the inner workings of SteemAX. - Documentation does not mean the actual development

Two new modules were created to handle SteemAX transactions ( and messages printed to screen as well as to the logging file ( - As you said these are the two new modules, agreed.

All transactions are now handled using the steempy cli wallet and the installation instructions have been updated to provide details for configuring the steempy with SteemAX.- Dont call it as a feature though, part of refactoring.

The new command process has been added to the command-line interface. Typing this command will cause SteemAX to run and process all new transactions containing memo IDs. - Wasn't it connected to the

Now if you go through the "", I accept that for this question "How would you rate the knowledge and expertise necessary to fix the bug / implement the added feature(s)?", it should be Average and not Low, that is my mistake.

One more thing, if you are open to take feedback, its better to link the Commit Ids along side the Updates Stated in the contribution. In that way it will be easier for the moderators to evaluate it.

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