LetsDisc - Create Question, Upvotes and more

in #utopian-io6 years ago



For this Development Post I have worked on Pull Request - https://github.com/codingdefined/LetsDisc/pull/1

We see a lot of programming questions/answers pops up here and there. LetsDisc can solve the problem to keep everything on one place. One thing which will different for this project than other projects is that it will not be limited to Steem Users, you can login via any medium. Though you will have an option to Post on Steem. As of now you can Login, Register, Create/Edit Question, Upvote other users questions.

Features Implemented

Create/Edit Question - You can create your question with just title and body, your Body will have a preview which will show whatever you have written in the Body.

Views and Upvotes - When someone views the questions, its view count increases though we keep track of that and the view will not increase if the same user again views the same question. Similarly for Upvotes and Downvotes we keep track of the user if he has upvotes/downvoted or not.

Technology Stack

  1. .NET CORE 2.0
  2. C#
  3. JQuery
  4. SQL
  5. Entity Framework Core

The Project is based on https://aspnetboilerplate.com/, where the initial code is taken from it. More at https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@codingdefined/getting-started-with-aspnetboilerplate.


  1. Adding Tags
  2. Answering to Questions
  3. Posting on Steem Blockchain if it not already posted
  4. CodeRunner which will Run your Code In the Background once you post that either on Questions or Answers
  5. Notifications
  6. User's Page

How to contribute?

If you are contributing for Development, create a PR, either as a new feature or a bug fixing.
If you have any idea or suggestion or have you encountered a bug, please create issue on github.

GitHub Account



Very nice!

StackOverflow is a really useful site. Bringing this kind of resource to the Steem blockchain would be great, particularly if there are lots of code snippets and questions relating to the Steem architecture and Steem platform development. Very useful for developers and also for attracting new developers to the blockchain.

I'd add it's worth checking out musing.io (which is a recent Quora-style Q&A site on Steem - but not developer / code related) to see how that is working so far. There was a useful discussion relating to how to organise responses (by upvote amount / by number of upvotes / by utopian-style ranking) and what to do about duplicate questions. There are also positive and negative impacts of being rewarded for asking and answering questions - I think it's fair to say there are a fair amount of spammy questions for example.

I look forward to seeing how this one progresses!

Thanks for an insightful reply. That's true will be very useful for attracting new developers. I have checked Musing.io, I would like to fill the problems people are facing in Musing.io, to see if it can be solved.

For Duplicate Questions, I am thinking of adding an AI which will check the previous questions and mark it as duplicate whenever required, though there will be moderators moderating it too, that's my main goal.

Though working as full time employee, I would not able to give many hours to this project but will continue to work on bit by bit.

Again thanks :)

Hey @codingdefined
Thanks for contributing on Utopian.
We’re already looking forward to your next contribution!

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