SteemPH Bot [KuyaBot] Update 3.24.18 - Community Functions, Key Systems, and Admin/MOD Functions (Support Ticket and Messaging Systems)

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)


Work on KuyaBot's Activity functions continues to progress. Real-time, I am collecting feedback, input, and ideas to make the bot more relevant for the user of the SteemPH Discord server. I am nearing the completion of all key functions that I have envisioned for the bot. At the same time, I am using feedback and observations to add additional features that will help automate and make the SteemPH environment more of an exciting and enriching place to be. In this fourth update of the activity code, I have been working on adding features which will enhance the user experience as well as the Administrative experience when managing and supporting the server.

Over the past week, I have added features that continue to expand the economy system as well as server organization and support. I envision KuyaBot becoming a truly supportive entity within the server environment allowing users and administrators to enjoy their visit and time spent with a variety of exciting and fun things to do and at the same time gain support and information that will further their Steemit and Social Media careers.

Action Bot continues to function as the test bed for the new KuyaBot code and ongoing updates are first tested here before being incorporated into KuyaBot. Below is an update on features and functions that I have added for this update. Because it is now the weekend, I will have the opportunity to spend more time coding and updating the features that I want to incorporate as well as features I or others suggest as we move forward.

New Features

Translations - Because we have people from different regions and geographies, making sure everyone can communicate and understand one another is key. English is a universal language, however, may not be everyone's strength. My goal is to ensure we continue to be inclusive of all visitors and members of SteemPH. Currently, we have a 3rd party translator bot that supports translation functions. My previous goal was to remove the clutter and integrate functions of most of the 3rd party bots into KuyaBot. In today's update, I can finally announce that I have added the translation function which uses the google translate api to support translations of a number of supported languages. Users will be able to use this feature to more effectively communicate between one another regardless of their background.

Daily DP (Free Cash) - As a part of the previous roadmap, I have finally added a daily free cash system that will allow users to claim daily Digital Pesos. This is an expansion of the economy system that I previously added to help incentivize activity and daily participation - this system refreshes every 24-hours allowing users to claim free DP daily. Admins and Mods also have the ability to incentivize users separately on top of the daily free DP.

Reputation System - Also shared in the roadmap is the reputation system. This system is in it's infancy and is only the foundation for a future project still in the works. This system will allow users to give other users negative and/or positive reputation points for support and services. Ultimately the system will be used for the SteemPH Marketplace which will serve as a central hub for users to buy, sell, and auction goods and other services using the Steemit ecosystem. This will continue to evolve as other projects near completion.

The next 3 additions are more administrative and should help with managament and organization of server functions and support.

Poll System - Because SteemPH is democratic in everything we do, I have coded in a poll feature into Kuyabot/Activity Bot. This will allow users and admins to conduct polls for various things allowing the community to make a collective decision on various things that SteemPH is involved in. I would like to add an anonymity feature to allow for users to maintain their privacy in our annual Admin/MOD elections. I have tried several ties to code this, but have been unsuccessful. If you are familiar with how to add this feature, help would be appreciated.

DM Messaging System - This was a requested feature by one of our Hub leaders that I assume will help with organization and communication. The SteemPH community continues to grow. It is made up of several sub-communities dedicated to the various regions in the Philippines. Because there is a number of activities always happening, updates and communication can sometimes be a challenge. Meetups tend to help, but is not always the best way to consistently remain up-to-date. Each Hub has its own dedicated channel, but as we grow, so does the list of channels which tends to make people pay attention to only the general channel. This new system uses role assignments for each region/hub allowing users to send a general message to all users associated with that region. There is also the ability to message all users and members of SteemPH.

Ticketing System - This is by far one of the most needed systems I have added. I am still experimenting and brainstorming to figure out how to make it better, but for now the system I have coded in should suffice. I feel this system was a necessity because Admins, MODs, Server Witnesses, and Myself cannot always be around. The server is active 24/7 and there are always requests for help and support. Because I am also constantly updating code and features, feedback and bug reports are also important. This system will allow users to submit support requests, bugs, and report issues within Discord so we can affectively address all concerns immediately and efficiently. This also allows us to keep track of issues and resolutions at all times to make sure we are taking care of our members.

Updated Help File - As usual, when new features are added, I update the !Help menu to make sure that users are aware of the functions they have available to them. In addition to this, Admins and Mods have elevated functions for most all new features.

Currently, these functions are live on an Activity Bot separate from KuyaBot in order to test for issues and functionality and to minimize conflicts with the current working KuyaBot code. You can visit the SteemPH Discord Server to see all the new features working live for yourself. Please do share your feedback if you do, so I can continue to add features and updates that will make the bot more helpful for the community.

Ongoing Roadmap and things to come

This roadmap is by no means complete - It remains to be an evolving guideline. Along the way I will add aditional features and functions that will benefit the community as well as suggestions from members of the community. Below are just some of the features I am still working on and looking to implement over the weekend and ongoing:

Games - Currently we only have one game. I plan on adding additional games, some of my own creation, in the near future. Most of these games will further expand and tie into the economy system I have built giving the users the ability to gain more DP.

Warning System - In order to automate and assist Admins/MODs in server management, this and other systems will be put in place to ensure we maintain a positive and enriching atmosphere, while managing negative elements. This system will help moderate the channel and ensure everyone is a positive contributor to the community. It will issue warnings and punishments for certain negative behaviors such as spam, abuse, and other unwanted acts within the community discord server. This system follows the 3 strikes rule and will issue punishments accordingly.

Digital Peso Payment for Upvotes - This is probably the most important and key update I am working on implementing. I have mapped ot the basic process for utilizing Digital Pesos as a form of payment for Upvotes, however figuring out the coding is a challenge. My thought is that it will be similar to coding a Discord Upvote Bot, however, I am trying to figure out how to code the integration between Discord Digital Pesos and the Steemit upvote functions. I'm not sure how to code this function yet so if you have ideas, help would definitley be appreciated!

Dependencies and Links

DBM Mods dependencies

Google Translate API

Activity Bot Github


Translation Function

Daily DP Free Cash


Reputation System

Poll System


DM Messaging System


Ticketing System


Sample of Code

Sample of Work History and Latest Commits

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Great work buddy :) you are implementing so many things to make it more and more professional. I want to ask one issue i faced, I registered and sent 0.001 to banjo [bot] but at the same time there was another bot which was upvote [ph]. After sending one to banjo i registered but Upvote[ph] was saying i am not registered. I requested for upvote after 24 hours but system at time was online as upvote PH and he told me i am not registered. Why 2 bots working for same issue ?

Yep. I think I sent you a DM as well. UpvotePH is the SteemPH upvote bot. Banjo is a completely separate Bot that upvotes and is on several servers including ours. Banjo is originally from minnowsupport I believe. We added him to our server in the beginning before I created UpvotePH and decided to keep him in the server so users could have 2 bots upvoting their content. If you want to use both bots, you have to register for both bots. I recommend registering for ours because I'm constantly increasing my SP delegation to UpvotePH

Thank you very much for your prompt reply with detailed explanation :), i will surely register for UpvotePH as well in short while.

I guess upvotePH is not online. I did not receive any auto response from it.

oops. looks like it crashed. I rebooted it

Hello friend @cloh76, I love your project and everything related to Kuya bot in all those functions does not have a scam detector? if it is included I have not seen it, it's about network scams, especially Steemit.

Thanks @maxili63. I would love to be able to program a scam detector, but it's just not possible. Scams change every day and unfortunately, there is no real way to get ahead of them except for people to just be careful.

yes boy, I was a product of that last week perhaps because of ignorance or silly but they have good ways of doing it, now I will be more careful

Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

You can contact us on Discord.

Hey @cloh76 I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

Community-Driven Witness!

I am the first and only Steem Community-Driven Witness. Participate on Discord. Lets GROW TOGETHER!


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It's Include E Have Note Sin It, It's About Network Scams, Espionage Steamit.

Managing the Economy 2 Very Irresponsible and Takes Responsibility for Manny Things

Actually managing the economy is very irresponsible and takes responsibility for many things

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