
It looks like you made another delegation this morning setting the delegated SP to 0:

DELEGATION christoryan yoitsme 0.000000 n/a n/a 2018-03-06T05:40:42

I do not see any transfers in the history.

Can you be more concise in your question, please? Do you mean there should be any displayed in the history ​because you received transfers? Or, are you asking why you did not receive anything from @yoitsme?

I was asking the reason I wasn't showing any ROI on the delegation... ?

Well, because it is just the delegation and not a transfer back to your account. The estimated APR is shown for transfers only. The APR is calculated based on the amount you received.

There is no APR I can show on delegations. That's why you see the n/a (not applicable).

Does this answer your question?​

Yes it does and thank you @cutemachine

Great, you are welcome.

Would you happen to know why these say "not computed" ?

"2016-08-25 17:17:08","SBD","0.05","BTS","6.34059","melchezedek-776","Input memo: e093e8fd-e118-4434-9294-35acbd8aaf48","76e819486bc0cdb85199c3161dde897f22c4b8db","output_transaction_broadcast","Not computed","71a20b77b85100857bff7e1c399e0c0d6a48d534",null

Can you provide more context? Where do you see it? Whats the API call?

I do not know.. Should I holler at you in discord or utopian?

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