dlike Task: Nodejs script for upvoting

in #utopian-io6 years ago




 We need to create a Node.js script that handles upvoting for posts made on dlike App. Algorithm and technical details would be as follows: 

  • This voting bot will run every 2.4 hours (10 times day)
  •  It will check if VP is above certain given limit and if it reaches during the upvoting, stop bot and transfer remaining posts to next round
  • Go through the posts since the last voting round, and pull all the new dlike (unvoted) posts + remaining from last round and upvote
  • Before upvoting make sure, it contains tag #dlike, it has json metadata.community:dlike and beneficiaries with dlike, and dlike.fund.
  • Make sure one post per user, if user has more posts then select only the first in list
  • Check for blacklisted users and remove all posts of those users
  • Check if post was upvoted by a bot, bot list source can be fetched from steembottracker API, if so skip the post.
  •  compile final list of posts and start voting as per given formula below
  • If normal user (not blacklisted or whitelisted), rate is e.g 0.5% (it can be changed easily by admin, rates and percentages), if white listed user rate will be 2x.
  • Add option for whitelisted users, they can be upvoted twice a day.

In terms of whitelisting and blacklisting, it needs to be stored in a database on the server. For this, it is needed to create user table with user_status and user_worth. If user is already there (posted before) then get status, if not create the user with status normal and worth 1. 


I would love for this to be completed the soonest, with deadline being on July 11th, 2018 


 If you have any questions or would like to contact me for further details on the task or on means of cooperation, feel free to reach out: 


Thanks for the task request, @certseek. Unfortunately task requests are currently more meant for project owners looking for contributors, and not as a means to develop a project from scratch (the linked repository does not contain enough work). Also, since it is a task request for the development category, it should also adhere to the guidelines for the development category as much as possible, so I would recommend you check those out (as the repository is missing stuff like usage and installation instructions etc.).

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