Fashion Demand Website - Benmoore Designs(Get your clothes Just the way you want it)

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


Project Description

Benmoore Design website is a fashion website that enables users/customers to make request of clothes online with their own preferred designs and specifications. All the user need to do is to click on the request button of any design they like, a request form will be available for you to make your own request with your specified designs, color, size, location and phone number.

In most fashion websites, you can only order for what is available this create limitations because people will only buy what they see online, what if you want something differrent? Hence Benmoore Designs has answered that question.

The location and phone number enables the website owners to contact you if need be and to deliver your demanded item when ready.

Technology Stack (Technical Overview)

The project was built with the following technologies:
HTML5 , Twitter Bootstrap, CSS3 - These technologies handles the UI(User Interface) part of the website.
jQuery, JavaScript - They are incharge of animations and sleek interactivity that goes on in the website.
PHP - This is the back-end technology that handles all the queries to interact with the database. PHP is an open-source Server Side Scripting Language.
MySQLi - This is the latest version of the MySQL database query. It is a relational database management system that is used to store data from websites.

Project Road Map

The project currently serve as fashion demand webite, Future Modifications:

  1. Build and host website
  2. Get Qualified pen testers
  3. Advertise the project through Search Engine Optimization(SEO), Social Media Adverts and TV Media Adverts
  4. Build Mobile App
  5. Get Qualified Pen testers
  6. Integrate Online Payment using Paystack
Github repository link:

Github proof of account

proof of account.PNG

Graphical / User Interface Overview (UI)

* Home Page


Every website has a landing/home page this is the page that contains the basic information about the website and it should be very attractive because it determines how long visitors stay and it can also help build the confidence of users.

* Admin Login Authentication Page

admin login.PNG

The Admin login page is the gateway for website administrators(managers) to access the website dashboard where they can control and manage the website from its back-end.

* Item Demand Page


This is where users/customers make request of the type of item they really want. They have to fill the form with required information that will help the fashion designer work as per customer demand.

* Admin Dashboard Module


The admin dashboard shows the records of requested items and all available request yet to be delivered.

* Item Upload/View Module

upload items.PNG

This is where admin uploads new designs that will be displayed on the website home page. He can also edit and delete items from the database on this module.

* Sliders Upload/View Module

upload sliders.PNG

Here controls the website sliders, i.e the sliding banner(Images) on the website homepage. From here the sliders can be changed at anytime without need for going to the source code.

* Manage Account Module

manage account.PNG

The manage account module enables admin to add another admin who will also help in carrying out the website administrative duties.

Github Code Overview

* Github Index page code

git index code.PNG

* Github Admin page code

git admin.PNG

* Github Login page code and Login queries

git login code.PNG

* Github Item demand page code

git demand code.PNG

* Github CSS code

git css.PNG

* Github JavaScript code

git js.PNG

Code Editor Code Overview

* Index Page Code

index code.PNG

* Admin Login page code

login code.PNG

* Admin Page Code

admin code.PNG

* Item Demand page code

item demand code.PNG

JavaScript Code

js code.PNG

CSS code

css code.PNG

PHP Session code

session code.PNG

PHP Functions code

functions code.PNG

Database Connection Code

db connection code.PNG

ReadMe file screenshot


This project is also open to contributions and modifications. If you intend to use this template for your personal project, it is allowed but also check the license to see conditions of usage.

You can contact me via the following:
steemit: @casweeney
utopian: @casweeney
Discord: @casweeney#8557 @casweeney


Hope my contribution serves its purpose.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Your contribution cannot be approved. We cannot evaluate a development contribution, if there's no public history, such as that on GitHub, for open source projects, that were meant to be open source right from the beginning. Many users simply upload their old/personal projects to GitHub, just to have the "Open Source" label, to get a reward. On Utopian we would like to see actively maintained and promising Open Source projects and no private projects. Simply uploading files to GitHub is not the way to go. You need to carefully prepare your project and provide information for others, both users and developers, to participate. The project should be up-to-date and documented and the development should happen in an organized and transparent manner, using Git/GitHub, to qualify as an open source project on Utopian.

You can contact us on Discord.

This has to be added in the Development rules too.

This is really an amazing project bro... Seeing this makes me wish I can write codes... Great work

Nice work bro but too much for me lolx.


Hahaha. You have your own specialty. Thanks.

the frontend is killing. awesome. i'm in love with the concept

Thanks boss. That's how we roll.

wow I love those wears. I just have to study this internet stuff in deep

The internet is a big community. You will never loose in anyway.

when you are wise and know what you are into

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