Let's Help Africa with Code!

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


When a developer wanders through #GitHub looking for bugs to patch, being able to integrate into the environment that's already being employed is vital. The best method for accomplishing that is to follow the general #community #guidelines for github (and development in the OSS world anywhere), simply to ensure that developers don't need to re-learn how a team has reinvented a wheel for a well-beaten and long-dead horse.

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I have done very little. Please poke around in this and other projects that help in these ways. Open Source and Free software efforts give meaningful, #problem-solving work to the world and invaluable experience and learning for those who seek it. Anything that can further this is incredibly important. The A.N.C.I.R. project is doing investigation and reporting that's vital to the ability of the African people to vote with understanding of the actuality of the issues they face. Through open source initiatives like this one, we can actually help people across the world, with nothing but ideas. Let's do this.

What (so far):

  • Put the license file in the right place with the right name
  • Delete the .DS_Store file
  • Update the .gitignore so it doesn't come back.

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To Do:

  • A more substantial README
  • A Code of Conduct
  • Contribution guidelines for developers - it's a good idea here to follow 'best practices' and current standards, even trends to a degree.
  • Create templates to ensure that pull requests and issues fit a format your whole team and others outside can parse (programmatically or brain)
  • A cohesive plan moving forward.

Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.

Suggestions are minor features/enhancements that you would like to have in an Open Source project.

You are not suggesting a certain feature specific to the project. Instead your suggestion is about how to maintain a repository, which could be applied to ~99% of all repositories on GitHub.

You can contact us on Discord.

I get the feeling you people have no idea what the purpose of your own website is ... and you don't read. But hey, get your jollies however the fuck you want, bruh. I'm trying to help people, you're trying to be a dick. Your little Utopia is basically a gigantic masturbatory pat-on-the-back machine -- I'm just using it for publicity of projects.

"Approve" my ass, my friend. Approve my ass. :)

Dude, calm down! We simply have rules. We are constantly working on them and we are all still learning. The Utopian project is in its infancy. If you disagree with a moderators decision you can always contact us here or on discord.

I personally like how Utopian is providing a new form of salary to people from underdeveloped or unstable countries and the project you mention seems to be also very helpful but this is and cannot be the criteria we make our decisions based on. That's what the rules are for. The Utopian account has a limited voting power and we receive tons of contributions. In the long term it will become even harder to contribute on Utopian because we are still very far from the level of quality we have in mind for each category.

Sorry but the only one who's "trying to be a dick" here is you, very successfully I think... and such behavior won't help your project either. I don't think that people who get upset this easily, like you, are of great help for any project.

It's you. Personally. And I'm done with the whole thing altogether alright?

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