Added Steem Wallet Information(STEEM Balance and STEEM Power) on Hapramp.

in #utopian-io6 years ago


Added STEEM Power and STEEM Balance section

  • The user can now see his/her SBD balance
  • The user can see his/her STEEM power.



STEEM power is not directly provided by STEEM API.
It needs to be calculated at the client end.

Formulae for calculating STEEM Power is:

steem_power = (total_vesting_fund_steem * user_vesting_share ) / total_vesting_share

In order to get STEEM Power, we needed

  • total_vesting_fund_steem
  • total_vesting_share
  • user_vesting_share

First two of these( total_vesting_fund_steem , total_vesting_share) can be retrieve from SteemJ library method call.

This library is equipped with a helper method named getDynamicGlobalProperties().

Sample call:

 // SteemJ init
 SteemJ steemJ = SteemHelper.getSteemInstance(); // SteemHelper is a class which returns configured SteemJ Instance
 try {
     DynamicGlobalProperty dynamicGlobalProperty = steemJ.getDynamicGlobalProperties();
      float totalVestingShares = dynamicGlobalProperty.getTotalVestingShares().getAmount();
      float totalVestingFundSteem = dynamicGlobalProperty.getTotalVestingFundSteem().getAmount();
 } catch (SteemCommunicationException e) {
 } catch (SteemResponseException e) {

Now the remaining is user_vesting_share.
This variable is part of Account model class of SteemJ library.
We need Account of the user for which balance is fetched.

In SteemJ library provides us a method to access user accounts.

The method has the following signature.

public List<ExtendedAccount> getAccounts(List<AccountName> accountNames)

Its documentation says

  • accountNames A list of accounts you want to request the details for.
  • returns A List of accounts found for the given account names.

The following method returns the user account given the STEEM username

 public ExtendedAccount getUserAccount(String username) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException {
        JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest();
        // The API expects an array of arrays here.
        String[] innerParameters = new String[1];
        innerParameters[0] = username;
        String[][] parameters = {innerParameters};
        List<ExtendedAccount> accounts = communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, ExtendedAccount.class);
            return accounts.get(0);
        return null;

and finally we can get user_vesting_share as:

ExtendedAccount extendedAccount = steemJ.getUserAccount("bxute"); //hard-coded user name. `steemJ` is an `SteemJ` instance
float userVestingShare = extendedAccount.getVestingShares().getAmount();

In the end, we can apply the formulae for calculating STEEM Power.

A helper method that returns STEEM Power:

 private static float calculateSteemPower(DynamicGlobalProperty dynamicGlobalProperty, ExtendedAccount extendedAccount) {
        float totalVestingShares = dynamicGlobalProperty.getTotalVestingShares().getAmount();
        float totalVestingFundSteem = dynamicGlobalProperty.getTotalVestingFundSteem().getAmount();
        float userVestingShare = extendedAccount.getVestingShares().getAmount();
        return ((totalVestingFundSteem * userVestingShare) / totalVestingShares);

Parameters to this function is from api call made earlier in the above section.

GitHub Account


Thanks for the contribution!

It seems like a really interesting project with a great team, very cool to have you guys contributing via!

Since you are new I thought I would give you some feedback if you don't mind:

  • It would be great if you could add some usage and install instructions to the README. I also think adding something about how others can contribute to the project would also be a great idea.
  • Linking to a PR or commits is not mandatory, but it is always appreciated if you at least let us know which commits are relevant to the contribution, as that really helps when reviewing!
  • The more (high quality) features per contribution the better! If you want to receive a higher score I would definitely recommend combining a couple of features into one contribution.

I look forward to seeing your future contributions, so keep up the great work!

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Thanks for the quick response, @amosbastian.
All very good points. I will fix the README and keep your suggestions in mind for the next contribution.

Best Regards,

Hey @bxute
Thanks for contributing on Utopian.
We’re already looking forward to your next contribution!

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