Chinese & Japanese Translations: EH Forwarder Bot and Modules

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)


Project Details

EH Forwarder Bot (EFB) is an extensible chat tunnel framework which allows users to contact people from other chat platforms, and ultimately remotely control their accounts in other platforms. It consists of 4 parts: a Master Channel, some Slave Channels, some Middlewares and a Coordinator.


Master Channel
The channel that directly interact with the user. There is guaranteed to have one and only one master channel in an EFB Session.

Slave Channel
The channel that delivers messages to and from their relative platform. There should be at lease one slave channel in an EFB Session.

Component of the framework that maintains the instances of channels, and delivers messages between channels.

Module that processes messages and statuses delivered between channels, and make modifications where needed.

This project aims to support as many IM platforms as it can, so a multi-language support is helpful to spread this project to more users. I'm looking forward to more translations of this project to benefit more people in the open source society.

Links related to the translation

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Source Language

English (US)

Translated Language

Chinese (Simplified): The entire EWS project. Words left: 6597
Japanese: Everything except the documentation. Words left: 6889

Number Of Words

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Number of words translated on this contribution: 3546

Proofread Words

Approved words of translation: 2102

Previous translation on the same project

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Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 0

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@blueset, are you the owner of this project?

Yes, but the translation is contributed separately through Crowdin.

Yes @blueset, I want to make sure you are the project owner with the proofreading rights. Thanks.

Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

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@blueset, No matter approved or not, I upvote and support you.

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