Followers & Following Features Does Not Exist YetsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

2017-10-22 19_04_28-Arie.Steem - Utopian.png

Hallo Steemian is a platform that contributes Open Source to Steem. It's become very popular this time, utopian.o always make many new features almost everyday and also assisted by Utopian Moderator

Hallo Steemian adalah platform yang menyumbang Open Source untuk Steem. Ini menjadi sangat populer saat ini, utopian.o selalu membuat banyak fitur baru hampir setiap hari dan juga dibantu oleh Utopian Moderator is new and still in development, therefore we desperately need contributions from great people like you. ideas we need for utopian development. many categories you can choose to contribute. baru dan masih dalam pembangunan, oleh karena itu kami sangat membutuhkan kontribusi dari orang-orang hebat seperti Anda. ide yang kita butuhkan untuk pengembangan utopian banyak kategori yang bisa Anda pilih untuk berkontribusi.

And now more and more contributors are contributing to utopian, and still many still do not understand what is utopian, but we are helped by the utopian server in discord, so many people can ask there how they can contribute.

Dan sekarang semakin banyak kontributor yang berkontribusi pada utopian, dan masih banyak yang masih belum mengerti apa itu utopian, tapi kita dibantu oleh server utopian dalam perselisihan, begitu banyak orang dapat bertanya di sana bagaimana mereka dapat berkontribusi.

So. I would like to discuss about the followers and following features that exist on our profile page in utopian. I tried to open, but I still see nothing, I just reminded to be able to update the feature so utopian can see followers and following them

Begitu. Saya ingin membahas tentang pengikut dan mengikuti fitur yang ada di halaman profil kami di utopian. Saya mencoba untuk membuka, tapi saya tetap tidak melihat apa-apa, saya hanya mengingatkan untuk bisa mengupdate fitur sehingga utopan bisa melihat pengikut dan mengikuti mereka.

link :
link :
2017-10-27 16_19_05-Utopian - Rewarding Open Source Contributors.png
2017-10-27 16_20_10-Utopian - Rewarding Open Source Contributors.png

I suggest to make it as soon as possible so that utopian users can get the convenience. I open and try to see the look there. and I found it interesting with the look like the picture below.

Saya menyarankan untuk membuatnya sesegera mungkin sehingga pengguna utopis bisa mendapatkan kenyamanan. Saya buka dan coba lihat di sana. dan saya menemukannya menarik dengan tampilan seperti gambar di bawah ini.

2017-10-27 16_22_09-Arie.Steem - Busy.png
Such a look I think is very nice, with a friend's profile picture we are round and look very neat and beautiful. also can make us easy to find our friend.

Tampilan seperti itu menurut saya sangat bagus , dengan foto profil teman kita berbentuk bulat dan terlihat sangat rapi dan cantik. juga dapat membuat kita mudah menemukan teman kita.

That's what I can report for future utopian developments. hopefully Utopian is growing and becoming a great opensource contribution website

Itulah yang dapat saya laporkan untuk perkembangan utopian kedepan. semoga utopian semakin berkembang dan menjadi website kontribusi opensource yang hebat

@adsactly , @satchmo , @reggaemuffin , @elear


Discord adsactly

Discord utopian

Open Source Contribution posted via


Greetings @arie.steem! Do you think Steemit has what it takes to be one of the top 10 global social media platforms?

We do! Are you willing to help us do what it takes to fix steemits vulernabilities so we can bring this platform to the mainstream?

I represent an media alliance with over 10 million followers. We see that steemit needs a few small, but very important changes to make it to the next level.

Please share your solutions with us! And help us attract the attention of steem developers. Share your wisdom and thoughts with us at

Together, we will bring steem to the Mainstream!



Hey man, please use the moderation channel on discord. Don't know how to contact you but we have new rules.

Hey @arie.steem I am @utopian-io. I have just super-voted you at 100% Power!


-Good amount of information. Thank you!
-A very informative contribution. Good job!
-Votes on this contribution are going well. Nice!
-You are having more votes than average for this category. Nice!
-You are generating more rewards than average for this category. Super!
-Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!
-You have a good amount of votes on your contributions. Good job!
-You have just unlocked 5 achievements. Yeah!
Up-vote this comment to grow my power and help Open Source contributions like this one.

Bolehlah bg @arie.steem kapan dong diajarin kami-kami...hehehehhehe

Sangat berguna trimakasih @arie.steem

Selamat! Tulisan anda masuk peringkat 6 kategori Tulisan Dengan Bayaran Terbanyak, di 10 Besar Tulisan Hari Ini di ..

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