Utopian : Idea Development Against the limitations of the Tools At Utopian.iosteemCreated with Sketch.

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

A discussion of the principal wanted me to convey to the Utopian.io is, that there are still some shortcomings on the site Utopian.io starting in the tools menu to the main menu from the addition of an image that may still be too ordinary when compared with display owned by Wordpress. For it may lack this can be a comparison between Utopian.io with Wordpress in terms of display in a post.

Pokok pembahasan yang ingin aku sampaikan kepada pihak Utopian.io ialah, bahwa masih ada beberapa kekurangan yang terdapat pada situs Utopian.io mulai dari segi menu tools, hingga ke menu penambahan gambar yang mungkin masih terlalu biasa bila di bandingkan dengan tampilan yang dimiliki oleh Wordpress. Untuk itu mungkin kekurangan ini dapat menjadi perbandingan antara Utopian.io dengan Wordpress dari segi tampilan dalam membuat suatu postingan.

On the tools menu in Utopian scheme, in terms of the tools needed to make a display of the postings has become the center of attention. His shortcoming becomes its own minus because basically if we want to create a writing course we also need beautify the layout of the text in order to make later results from this paper is interesting to read by ourselves or people another. his can be a power measurement if later people compare the quality of a Utopian scheme will skimpy tools that can enhance your appearance.

Pada menu tools yang terdapat di Utopian, kekurangan dari segi tools yang dibutuhkan dalam membuat suatu tampilan postingan telah menjadi pusat perhatianku. Kekurangan ini menjadi minus tersendiri karena pada dasarnya jika kita ingin membuat suatu tulisan tentunya kita juga butuh mempercantik tata letak tulisan tersebut agar nantinya hasil dari tulisan ini menarik untuk di baca oleh diri kita sendiri ataupun orang lain. Ini dapat menjadi suatu daya tolak ukur apabila nantinya orang-orang membandingkan kualitas dari Utopian yang minim akan tools yang bisa mempercantik tampilan tulisan.

Tools that are not available in Utopian.io

Of some of these tools, one of which is not owned by the Utopian scheme is the tools to make writing become left-align right align. There are also tools that actually deserves to be put in a Utopian scheme project is the addition of a picture that can be compiled with a wide variety of display models as below :

Tools Yang Tidak Terdapat Pada Utopian.io

Dari beberapa tools tersebut, salah satu yang tak dimiliki oleh Utopian ialah tools untuk membuat tulisan menjadi rata kiri rata kanan. Adapula tools yang sebenarnya layak untuk di masukkan ke dalam project Utopian ialah penambahan gambar yang dapat disusun dengan berbagai macam model tampilan seperti dibawah ini :


Gambar 1. Tools menu mempercantik tampilan

Gambar 2. Tools menu pilihan tampilan pada gambar

So, when these tools can be added through the development of project Utopian.io, will probably look more interesting especially the steemian's who want to be more creative in making a post so interesting to read in the future. This idea arose after some time ago I had a chance of tweaking Wordpress, and the result is quite satisfying seeing a lot of tools that can be applied to Wordpress. It would be perfect if Utopian.io can implement writing using the scheme of the overall HTML tags so that people can create as their day without any restrictions in the limitations of the tools menu in the open platform source Utopian scheme.

So, apabila tools ini nantinya dapat di tambahkan melalui pengembangan project Utopian.io, mungkin akan terlihat lebih menarik khususnya para steemian's yang ingin lebih berkreasi dalam membuat suatu postingan agar kedepannya menarik untuk di baca. Ide ini muncul setelah beberapa waktu lalu aku sempat mengutak-atik Wordpress, dan hasilnya cukup memuaskan melihat banyak tools yang dapat diterapkan pada Wordpress. Alangkah sempurnanya lagi jika Utopian.io dapat menerapkan penulisan menggunakan skema Tag HTML secara keseluruhan agar orang-orang dapat berkreasi sesuka hari mereka tanpa ada batasan apapun di dalam keterbatasan tools menu yang terdapat pada platform open source Utopian.

Open Source Contribution "Idea/Feature" posted via Utopian.io





Open Source Contribution posted via https://utopian.io


Hey @alfarisi I am @utopian-io. I have just super-voted you at 81% Power!

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Terima kasih sudah menggunakan #indonesia tag.
Jangan lupa join di discord indonesia https://discord.gg/k5brbX7

Okee sama-sama

Hi, this contribution cannot be approved yet. You need to write in English first. See rules.

Contributions should be in English
Contributions should be in plain english and fully understandable. The only accepted exceptions are: 1. The effort to document an Open Source project in a specific language. 2. Contributions under the Translations category. 3. Open Source projects that are meant to be only for specific languages. If they wish to do so contributors can translate their contributions in their local language at the bottom of the post.

And you need to remove the large image at the end.


I have change it into English @espoem

Your first suggestion has been already proposed.

To the second one. Are you suggesting the support of all HTML tags? I feel like you used translator so not all of the sentences are understandable to me. You need to elaborate your idea and describe how it should work.


Suatu pembahasan yang menarik untuk dibaca @alfarisi....

Terima kasih banyak bang @suhendi

Kami upvote yah.. 😉

Baik bang terima kasih banyak yaaa @puncakbukit

Pasti disuruh buang lagi emblem2 di bawah tu bro

Iyaa bro bener banget, aneh2 aja permintaan mereka. Disuruh buang pula indentitas komunitas. Terus malah dibilang bahasa inggris nya harus bagus hahahah. Mana ancur pula b.inggris ku :D @isaideureka

Hello @alfarisi thanks for using Utopian. I believe I got your points but I also think some of the suggested things cannot be done for the way the markdown works on Steem, but for sure there is room for improvement. I am gonna accept this idea, but please next time consider these points from the rules:

  • Local language is preferred at the bottom of the post
  • Ideas should provide every possible detail for the developers to understand it properly and translate it into something concrete



Okey, thank you so much sir @elear

Congratulations! Posting anda masuk peringkat 7 kategori Tulisan Dengan Bayaran Terbanyak, di 10 Besar Tulisan Hari Ini di https://steemit.com/peringkat/@puncakbukit/10-besar-tulisan-hari-ini-kamis-2-november-2017 ..

Good idea. 👍👍👍

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