Repost of @vlad's Hilarious Steem Meme

in #usesteem8 years ago (edited)

I felt it was appropriate to tag this with also #usesteem - since it is entirely within the scope.

I would have simply ReSteemed it but the option was not available. Thankyou to @vlad for giving me such a good laugh! I will take the tiny reward from this post but if you liked it, consider following him. He's also an amazing artist, he did the signature for @papa-pepper.

Gets me thinking, actually - about a new type of marketing post - promoting another user. You leverage your profile and fanbase, to highlight something of another user's work, and hopefully, drive followers and votes to them. I'm sure there's not huge money in it, but it is a clear benefit to the community and tributes are always valued, even if they are tokens only.


hahahaha ROTFL !! What a great meme!
@vlad!! if you read this: You gave me a big laugh @vlad! What a funny meme!!
@l0k1 reposted your meme and included it to the hashtag #UseSTEEM which we consider to be the most important thing ever for steemit and STEEM itself.
-- @develcuy

I did that for a while, by having links at the end of my posts, but am currently a bit swamped to continue doing it. 8)

Well, it made me laugh so much, and the guy did a great signature for @papa-pepper. But something for when I am not so much feeling in the mood for creativity.

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