The Ecosystem of Usechain is the Best

in #usechain6 years ago

Ever since the introduction of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies into our lives, the world has evolved. With new innovations and inventions, people have been experimenting the integration of the blockchain technology with the activities of our daily lives and for most cases, it's usually a success and very feasible. In other cases, it's a failure and the project is usually abandoned. The scope and idea of fusing this decentralized system with our activities was done with the hope of making life better. A sector that has been commonly tried to be merged with the blockchain technology is the general market, but due to lack of commercial support, it has a very feeble connection to the general market. The problems that were attributed to the blockchain technology were the low performance of the existing blockchain systems, the very high level of anonymity leading to nefarious activities such as money laundering, ransom collection, smuggling, etc and other complex technical issues that require a very serious attention. This now posed a question, what can be done about this?


Usechain has the Answer

Usechain is a project that was designed with a goal of maximising the blockchain performance and usability, creation of a secured identity based system and making an easy and user friendly interface that is not too complex for developers to build applications. With all this in mind, the blockchain technology can be easily applied to the mass market.
Most of the existing cryptocurrencies like the ethereum and the Bitcoin have a very low performance and they can only support 25 and 7 transactions per second. This is slow and cannot be integrated into the Marketing system just like how our mastercard or our visa system operates. So Usechain increases the performance as it uses the one of the most popular consensus algorithm called the Randomized Proof of Work (RPOW).
The anonymity of the existing blockchain systems makes it hard for integration into the general mass market as there is the fear that it will increase the levels of money laundering, hacking, theft, smuggling, drug trafficking and other nefarious activities. But Usechain provides the solution by making a connection between the current addresses of users and the identities of an individuals making way for the use of this technology in the securement of loans, insurance and pensions.
The high technical expertise that is being required to build dapps on the existing blockchain systems has been an issue for most developers as they required a very complex and complicated expertise. But Usechain comes with the solution of the creation of a user friendly and easy to use interface with the much more evolved smart contracts and application protocol.

Few Instances When Usechain Can be Used

  • It can be used as a general transaction method between a buyer and a seller. The users will use the cryptocurrency as the transaction method as its being stored in a wallet and all the payments are stored in a decentralised network.

  • It can be used in the financial services where with the use of KYC and AML, its provides a secure environment so that a users record can be traced, and it can give them access to loans.

  • It can improve the services of the Sharing Economy such as Uber and Airbnb. The most common issue faced in this sector is the trust issue between and it revolves it by having users behavioral data on the blockchain that can be broadcasted to ensure other safety.

  • Making an exchange better and efficient by its application to make it a decentralised system. The storage of user data and passwords in a centralised system makes it liable to Hackers to tamper with them or other technical issues. So having a decentralised system, it's being protected and and it makes sure that a users data is intact and very safe.


About Usechain

Usechain was founded by the Usechain Foundation which is a non profit organisation that was established in Singapore. They were created with three main principles on mind, impartiality, a non profit governance and a very strong governance system. Their sole aim was to create a utopian ecosystem where every single user can enjoy the full benefits of products and services based on credit. It also allows the developers to improve, design and enhance the services to make attraction for users.

So with this, I belive in Usechain and its the cryptocurrency of the future as it solves the problems of the current blockchain system. Thanks for Reading.


Author: hamzeto;u=1189991

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