USDQ StableAsset for Everyone
What is Q DAO ecosystem
Trade it as a regular stable coin on the secondary market.
Trading in a low-volatility cryptocurrency such as USDQ may help traders to work more efficiently and stay safe no matter what happens on the secondary market.
Collateralize your crypto and get a simple stable trading asset. After the trading, just give it back and return your crypto.
Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other popular cryptocurrencies can't guarantee its minimum value. So, protect it in our ecosystem until you will be sure in their stability. Holders of USDQ will have a trusted coin which will safeguard from market volatility until ready to begin trading again.
Join the Q Dao Community of Miners & Decision Makers!
Join our mining community and begin mining Q DAO tokens immediately. Now is your chance to become a miner in a growing community. Make your voice heard by becoming part of our decision makers by mining a revolutionary new cryptocurrency of the future.
How the system works
1.Trade on exchanges
Trade USDQ on the secondary market as any other stable coin.
2.Get a collateralized debt position
Collateralize your crypto and easily get USDQ stable coins. After trading is complete, simply return the USDQ in exchange for your crypto of choice.
3.Discover the Q BOX
Mine Q DAO tokens, raise your own AI based robot, which will help you to make predictions.
The philosophy of USDQ is to create a truly decentralized stable asset.
Decentralized. All decisions are made by the DAO community.
The Q DAO community provides full democracy with NO centralized control. You can change anything you see fit if the community supports your initiative. You have the right to vote. Everything and anything is decided solely by the community for autonomous decentralized decision making.
Collateralized by crypto. No more mythical deposits on private bank accounts.
Transparency in its plain meaning. You can track all the transactions in real time and know for sure that a particular stable is backed by a particular crypto asset.
Self-stabilizing. Always stable. The environment doesn't matter.
According to the nature of decentralized stable coin, it can’t fall or take off with big fluctuations. Self-stabilizing algorithms and market itself will always keep the price stable.
The Q DAO Stablecoin Ecosystem
Overview of Q DAO Stablecoin Ecosystem
Cryptocurrencies offer a wide range of benefits for users around the world. However, high volatility in their prices prevents mass adoption. Users are not willing to trade in digital assets that might experience huge price changes in just a couple of minutes. Even the most popular coins, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, aren't able to deliver stability with price movements for up 20% being a usual occurrence.
At the Q DAO Platform, users can generate various stablecoins, currently USDQ and KRWQ are available. USDQ uses Bitcoin as its collateral, i.e. in order to create USDQ users need to lock up their Bitcoins in a smart contract. The stablecoin's price is pegged to United States Dollar. Stablecoins are seen as an important enabler, paving the path toward mass adoption of DLT-powered digital currencies. In contrast to other stablecoins on the market, USDQ is fully decentralized with all of its components residing on top of the blockchain. The KRWQ (and other stablecoins, planned to be launched in the future) act in the similar way, but are pegged to their specific fiats (KRW for KRWQ). In order to simplify the description, we are referring below only to USDQ, but the reader should understand that the same always applies to all other stablecoins, such as currently available (KRWQ) and planned (CNYQ, JPYQ and others).
Any person can purchase and sell USDQ via exchanges, brokers or OTC deals. It's an ERC20 token and brings a convenient ease of transfer without any limitations of any kind. USDQ holders can earn additional profits, receiving the Savings Rate, accruing on their holdings.
Q DAO is a blockchain platform, integrated with Ethereum smart contracts. It provides a number of enablers for sustainability of the generated stablecoins, such as CDPs (collateralized debt positions), automated price adjustment processes with feedback mechanisms, as well as a system of incentives for external actors.
The stablecoins (USDQ, KRWQ and others) can be generated by any person who has Bitcoins at their disposal. Subsequently, these ERC-20 tokens can easily fulfill a wide range of functions, acting similar to other cryptocurrencies. Among the biggest use cases are cross-border value transfers, payments for goods and services to accepting businesses, as well as long-term savings. Additionally, the stablecoin generation system sets the foundation for a highly convenient and robust margin trading platform.
Collateralized Debt Position Smart Contracts
Any person can use Collateral Assets in order to create USDQ at Q DAO Platform. They do this by interacting with a special smart contract, identified as "Collateralized Debt Position". The Q DAO Governance, made up by holders of the Q DAO governance token, is charged with making decisions on Collateral Assets, allowed for the use.
CDPs are simultaneously used to mint USDQ and accrue the debt. The user can withdraw the Collateral Assets at any time upon repayment of the USDQ amount, equal to the loan originally received. CDPs implement the "excessive collateralization" principle, assuring that the debt value never exceeds the value of the Collateral Assets. The technique enables CDPs to dampen a negative impact from sudden price movements for the Collateral Assets.
Price Stability Solutions
Target Price
The Target Price for USDQ means the price, used to determine the value of the Collateral Assets, repayable to USDQ holders upon an Emergency Shutdown. USDQ features a soft peg to USD, meaning that a 1:1 peg is maintained most of time but some deviations might occur on occasion. The Target Price for 1 USDQ is 1 USD.
#USDQ #StableCoin #Platinum
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