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RE: The "World's Most Bearish Hedge Fund" Has A "Stunning" Theory What Happens Next To The Dollar

in #usd6 years ago

The thing about perma-bears is they are right, sooner or later. Unfortunately, you can lose a fortune listening to them until they are right. It is like that nitwit Peter Schiff....he has been calling for $5K gold since 2011 (if not earlier). Of course, ole Pete has it covered since he makes 6% on the gold he sells on his sites.

People have called for the end of the dollar for years. The challenge is that when things turn to crap because the dollar plunges, people then start to flee to the dollar. At the end of the day, for as screwy as it is, the US has a stable governmental system and an economy that can weather headwinds better than the others.

Of course this all could change as the world stops dumping the USD as the reserve currency. Yet for all the appeal of crypto if the fiat collapses, the truth is this isnt a big enough market. You are not going to see $5T traded daily on here like the futures market. Hence, that money keeps moving around among other fiat.


I always appreciate the stance of a perma-bear or perma-bull and always keep in mind their reasoning. The problem is that it is hard to not give-in into the logic of a perma-bear. The hardest thing in trading in general is to not be biased on the bull side or the bear side.

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