The Swiss president actually did this on the streets of New York?瑞士总统在纽约街头居然做这事?

in #usa6 years ago


Images of the Swiss president sitting on the ground in New York City have sparked a conversation on social media. But for the Swiss, it’s just business as usual.

During last week’s General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, Swiss President Alain Berset decided to cool his well-maintained heels and take a curbside seat. The sight of an important man sitting on the ground grabbed the attention of the social media world – especially in Africa. One blogger used the example to criticize the Ugandan president:
上周到纽约参加联合国大会期间,瑞士总统坐在马路旁的水泥块上(牙子),歇歇站累了的脚后跟。虽然这对瑞士人来说,这实在不是啥大事,可是这张瑞士总统纽约街边席地而坐的照片却在社交媒体上引发热议,尤其是非洲。 一名博主还用这个例子来抨击乌干达总统。

As the image made the rounds, users kept adding to the story, saying that during the UN assembly, Berset was cooking his own meals in a small apartment shared with his staff. A spokesman later set the record straight, telling Swiss news portal watson.chexternal link that Berset had stayed in a hotel, as usual.


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