Big City Cops - US Police Admit Being A Hate Mongering Cabal - We Do It All For Them.....

in #usa7 years ago


Big City Cops is a Facebook page where police officers can visit to exercise their First Amendment rights, while voicing their violent frustrations against a society that is quickly losing respect and trust for all police officers. Their logo is a skull and crossbones and their motto is, Oderint dum metuant.

Which translates to: LET THEM HATE, SO LONG AS THEY FEAR.

How fitting from a bunch of people who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution.

You'd think that the good cops (Hello: are you out there?) in this country would be tired of this behavior and would finally speak out and help rip the badges of the chests of bad cops. Because we all know that it's not the good cops, but the criminal cops and the silent cops who are creating a massive divide between the public and law enforcement.

In today's society, a rogue cop is no longer the cop who violently assaults a handcuff individual, but rather the officer who blows the whistle on his fellow officers who are breaking the law and violating our civil rights. This type of cop does not exist on Big City Cops.

I suggest you take a look at the page because there's all kinds of insightful comments from bootlickers and self-labeled heroes. Here's a few for your enjoyment:

Chris Colburn Keep up the good work BCC! School these cop hating retards! Yeah, I said it, cop hating RETARDS. If it wasn't for cops and every other man or woman that suits up in a uniform to protect you and your rights, you wouldn't have any. All of these asswipes will be the first ones to call a cop when shit don't go their way. Snitch on this you dumb motherf*ckers! Aint free speech a bitch?!?

Damon Moÿsard Their page is open for anyone to post on it. I think that means they're welcoming our opinion to be posted on their page. They're all a bunch of flaming liberals. All about rights you know. They must not want to infringe upon our right to voice our opposing opinion on how some "gentle" meatwhistle with a mental disorder and a felony record for aggravated battery, who attacks a cop deserves to die just like anyone else who attacks a cop, right? And that his deadbeat dad is a fucking pariah trying to make a buck off the death of his retarded son he abandoned on the back of society because the best part of him ran down his moms thigh and became a stain of a flop house mattress?

Chinito Cochino ? People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. Thanks to the LEOS that do what needs to be done to keep the world safe for my children.

Damon Moÿsard I have nothing against the DA, they have a job to do. It's the left wing, bleeding heart, socialist, communist, freedom hating, terrorist loving liberals on your page that are using a dead convicted felon as your flavor of the month, so you can act out and pretend its because of an injustice I have no use for. Deep down even you know none of you care one bit about the individual he's just the excuse you're using to protest the establishment. In two years none of you will even remember his name. He'll just be "that dead homeless guy" you used to stir up hate and discontent within the community; a name on a protest sign. You are all crying out for justice but not allowing the system to even try to work before calling for the cops job, badge and head on a platter. To use your words: Judgement is for the courts, not the protesters. As for respect? None of us will ever get respect from the likes of you and your fellow protesters so fear is the next best thing. No one here cares if you want to shake our hand or say "thank you" when we protect you from something you are incapable of protecting yourself from. We do a job you are not able to do so you can pretend the things we deal with don't exist. 99.9% of cops resort to violence when it's the very last resort and then only use enough to protect themselves and the public from whatever danger they are presented with. Of course there is that .01% you hear about in the media but no one wants to read about the cop who was polite and did his job.

Big City Cops we know the evil of the world first hand, and we risk our lives to protect you from it If not for the police, evil would wait at your door everyday or at your coffee shop or at the malll

Big City Cops it's not the way I operate but dont let there be a doubt in your mind that evils still lives in me i just got it under total control now that I'm back in your world again

Sandra Villa We should copy all the names with pics of the dumb fks that signed that petition and post it @ every police station just in case they call one day for help lol

Karma Da-Luscious Yeah, don't understand .. The military is viewed as heroes for protecting our freedoms and keeping our country safe, but the police force is viewed as anything but heroes and we risk our lives everyday to keep people safe in their own homes!!!!! Don't get me wrong, I thank God everyday for our military and what they do for us. But as officers can we get some gratitude for our efforts on the local streets?

Big City Cops I'ts not "cool" to like the police after all, they dont let you speed or run stop signs they dont let you drink and drive, or drink in public they stop you from stealing and breaking into businesses or homes oh, and they kiill "innocent" people

The police are like oxygen, no one really appreciates them until they need them.

Cops give themselves way more credit than they deserve, and I wonder how many of these Big City Cops "heroes" have ever actually saved a life or protected someone from real harm, rather simply responding to calls AFTER the incident has ended.

Reading this crap made me vomit because everybody knows that the biggest talkers, and the people always bragging about all the wonderful things they do in life, are usually the ones full of the most shit. So I highly doubt that any of the "heroes" on BCC have ever actually done anything to protect someone from harm, or saved a life.

Where did they take their hate group?

I've actually had Police on Facebook admit that they hate me for some reason, unfortunate that they feel a need to hate a victim of crime.

The most horrid crime you can do to a child and adult.

That says all you need to know.

The Police in the USA have waived their right to free speech given the nature of their sworn oath to uphold the US Constitution.

Given the severity of their felonies against me, this would be considered acts of treason punishable by death.

They seem to think they have immunity from prosecution, they do not.

And they are not public information officers who pervert assets of National Security in order to gossip and foment hate and retaliation against their victims.

They violate the public trust in that and they commit acts of treason by exploit of the INTEL they are given access to in order to commit their felonies.

The US Police State commits a perfectly implemented set of military suicides.

All done in their perfect witness.

Of which they have none against me since they nullified it.

Sorry for your loss.

Death becomes you. Since you worship it.

Since the Police in the USA feel a need to join and create a Mafia that is engaged in a pattern of crime that includes fear mongering, hate mongering, sedition, treason, advocates rape and murder of innocents and children then you should use their own logic and laws against them.

Prosecute them for treason and the other crimes including sedition and use the RICO Act if need be.

Since US Police feel that all the children they rape and the rest of you are criminals then charge them as such since they started out the same way.

Then since those in the US DOD declared war on your kids too prosecute them in the same way and execute them in informal kangaroo courts and death squads coming soon to your home town.

Here are some TShirts your kids can wear so we can help you identify who the real enemies are of the USA:

Instead of seeing how much you can get away with, you should have prosecuted the crimes and not blamed the children for them later.

"Since US Police feel that all the children they rape and the rest of you are criminals then charge them as such since they started out the same way."

This is a dangerous assumption since neither the Police nor anyone can predicate their criminal wrongdoing on that alone.

And having paid fools with guns and cars running around making this mess is of course not something you'd want.

And again the answer is in your Bible, your good deeds will not vindicate you or exonerate you for your felonies done to others.

Your service, like your military fools, is worthless now since you harmed your own children.

“I freed Germany from the stupid and degrading fallacies of conscience, morality...We will train young people before whom the whole world will tremble. I want young people capable of violence, imperious, relentless, cruel.” -- Adolf Hitler


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