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RE: It is Amazing How Things Work...

in #usa4 years ago (edited)

Your worldview is the result of lying talking heads on TV and lying books that You have read, including a book called the "BIBLE". If You don't know, this book was written by zionists for manipulating people, for their enslavement. If You are reading a BIBLE, then do not forget to read esle one more lying book called "TORAH". There You will find a lot of interesting things regarding freedom, including freedom of speech.

So, You have only superficial knowledge about our world (such as the existence of a parasitic banking system that is sucking life energy out of us), and You know absolutely nothing about Me, nor about my People, nor about my country. Therefore, You do not have the right to insult the memory of my People - neither I, nor even more so, not You, are witnesses of the events that took place then. Better read A. Lincoln and try to imagine yourself in the place of a black man living in Mississippi in the 19th century.

Notice, I am not saying that You should dig LINCOLN out of his grave and question him about the times of slavery in US history, because I am a Human being and live by Honor, Conscience and Justice. I am not a citizen of any country, I am above all this. I just live on my land The Rus, which is located within the borders of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. I hope this videos helps You understand what I’m explaining to You:

Good luck.

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