NAACP warns minorities to not travel to Florida because: racism.

in #usalast year

I'm not really clear on what the NAACP does these days. I think there was a time when it was an important organization but these days it just seems to be an extension of the DNC. I try to keep my own politics out of whatever it is that I am writing about at the time, but this is just absurd and is completely rooted in politics rather than actual fact.


Florida is a lovely and unique place. I think it is dramatically overpriced and that is the reason why I don't go there very often but when I do go, I am normally kind of overwhelmed with how lovely it is. There are no other beaches in the continental United States as lovely as these and it is truly a unique part of the States. On an unrelated note, there is also quite a few minorities in Florida. 26% of the population is Latino and 16% are black. Both of these numbers are above national averages for the USA.

However, the NAACP is warning that the government of Florida is, and I quote directly, "openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals."

There's a couple of things wrong with this statement and normally race-baiting organizations aren't concerned with. There is zero proof that this is the case and it is a stretch to even make a case of it slightly being true even if you lump everyone into the same group. For one thing, how to Latinos and Blacks feel about being lumped in with the Alphabet people? I know gays and lesbians that really don't enjoy being lumped into the "T" and "Q" or even the "B's." So how to minorities feel being lumped into the same category? It can't be good.

Well the NAACP is attempting, in futility, to try to make it sound like the government, and especially the wildly popular governor Ron DeSantis appear like racists despite zero evidence to back this up. It was the banning of CRT (Critical Race Theory) that set the NAACP over the edge and I'm not making this up, you can see it in their own claims .

failing to teach an accurate representation of the horrors and inequalities that Black Americans have faced and continue to face is a disservice to students and a dereliction of duty to all

This statement of course, mischaracterizes what the banning of CRT actually is, and it also creates the illusion that this is something that ONLY Florida has done. In non crazy world, CRT has already been banned in many states including Florida, Idaho, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Iowa, South Carolina, North Dakota, and even ultra liberal New Hampshire. There are many other states that are considering similar legislation but just haven't gotten around to it yet or consider it unimportant because their populations are not nutso enough to run wild with this crap. At the end of it all I would imagine that only New York, California, and Illinois wouldn't ban CRT in schools.

That being said the schools in the United States are in shambles and I certainly hope more and more people are considering home schooling. Seriously, education in America is a joke right now.

The NAACP's statement makes no other claims about any other actual bias against minorities in Florida, because there aren't any and they know this. This is political hackery at best and DeSantis and others in office haven't even justified it with a response. DeSantis' press secretary touched base on it a couple of times and simply dismissed it as a stunt.

Expect to see a lot more of these sorts of stunts happening between now and 2024 and I certainly hope that you out there are intelligent enough to see through the bullshit that is most political organizations that are masquerading as attempting to be helpful to the people that they represent.

Since when does the NAACP issue travel advisories anyway?


All "Critical Theory" should be called after its originator Herbert Marcuse or the school of thought i.e. The Frankfurt School. We don't call Marxism economic class theory or Malthusianism overpopulation theory. Make the pseudoscientific origins known. Call is Marcusianism, Marcusian Marxism or Frankfurt School Marxism and enumerate it's pseudoscientific doctrines.

well you taught me a few words today. You clearly know more about this than I do.

since they either want to outflank the SLPC or coordinate with media to make sure Desantis is condemned with racism

I think the 2nd thing is definitely an objective. I find it difficult to fathom that Ron will be the nominee this time around but they are pre-empting him ever being there.

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