Squatters kill homeowner and steal her car: This is why I carry

in #usa4 months ago

Thankfully, my prediction about the resurfacing of the "gun debate" didn't happen en masse as I thought it would. I imagine that there will be a school shooting sometime between now and November so that Biden can turn that into an election talking point to further divide the masses. It will need to be a white person that does it though or it won't be talked about by the media at all because we have to keep that racial divide going as well!

Recently I caught wind of a story about how squatting is becoming a thing in NYC now and man, is that place ever falling apart. Apparently it is difficult to evict people from your place even if you rightfully own it and the law is on their side. There are a few stories of people who own places that are unable to legally evict the squatters so the homeowner just hire thugs to take care of the situation for them. It's really a shame that it has come to that but that isn't the worst story I have heard.

There was one that I saw recently about a woman who flew over from Spain to clear out her mother's apartment in Manhattan and when she went into the house she was followed by two teenagers who then beat her to death.


The duo, who are only 19 and 16, then put her body in a bag and stuffed it into a closet in the apartment. Then they stole her car and fled the state. Showing just how incompetent and useless this duo was, they later crashed the car and fled on foot. They were apprehended by police and US Marshals.


Now this story wouldn't have changed for the victim, Nadia Vitel, even if NYC didn't have the incredibly restrictive gun laws that they do because she was not a USA citizen and therefore cannot legally obtain a firearm but I am just going to be speaking in hypotheticals about this sort of situation. If Nadia had been American she almost certainly wouldn't have the right to be armed and carrying a gun anyway since NYC has some of the strictest firearm legislation in the US.

But I want to take this moment to talk about how different this situation would have gone down if it were to happen where I live in North Carolina. I have mentioned before that this state has very lax (or very good, depending on your opinion about firearms) gun laws in that open carry is automatically a right that you have and a concealed carry license is very easy to obtain provided you haven't been convicted of a felony ever.

In my part of NC you can walk around almost anywhere and at least a quarter of the people that you see will be open carrying firearms. You can bet your bottom dollar that a good 10-20% more of them are concealed carrying, like I do. We also have "Castle Doctrine" and "Stand your Ground" laws in North Carolina which means you can defend your house, your car, and your person, with lethal force if need be. Had these two teens followed someone into their apartment here in New Berne, there is a 50% chance that they would be greeting by a tiny piece of metal flying at them at 1200 feet per second or 800 miles an hour. The person who unloaded the weapon and ventilated these teens wouldn't even get in trouble for it either. There are of course certain criteria that they would have to pass such as first warning them to get out but if you shoot someone trespassing in your residence in North Carolina, you are not going to go to jail for it. You likely wont even be arrested.

This is the reason why you don't hear about home invasions happening where I live. You don't often hear about any sort of assault outside of teenagers doing what teenagers do on the playground. I don't ever hear about anyone being robbed, having their house broken into, or their car being stolen here. It simply isn't going to happen when the potential criminals realize that there is a 50% chance they are going to be legally shot if they attempt to do so.

This is something that people on the other side of the gun debate refuse to acknowledge. A firearm, in the hands of a law-abiding person like myself, is a crime deterrent rather than a tool used in crime. In my part of the world the Sheriff has one of the easiest jobs in the world because he doesn't really have to do anything other than settle land disputes or serve people with eviction notices.

Why is it so difficult for people to understand that a gun, in the hands of the right person, actually makes the area that they live in safer. We have virtually zero crime here specifically because of this.

I wouldn't live in New York City even if someone were to give me an apartment there. That life simply isn't for me. But when I see stories like this is the news in addition to stores just being gang looted and what not, I think about how different that situation would go down here. It wouldn't happen here! It can't happen here! What sort of people are going to knowingly walk into a situation where they know there is a better than average chance that they are not going to walk away from it?

That poor woman was just trying to clean up her Mom's apartment and then go back to Spain. There was enough sorrow in her family's life already but now they have 2 deaths and one of them was completely preventable. I hope that the two teens get the book thrown at them by a judge but since it was in New York City where criminals aren't even prosecuted, I'm not going to hold my breath on that one.

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