Being "woke"
Thankfully, this notion never infested my part of the world on any sort of meaningful level. I'm sure there's a high school student here or there that feels this way but for the most part my community is more "grown up" than this. We are so not woke that most of the people around here aren't even really clear as to what it means. I just explain that it is a group of people that find a reason to be offended by almost anything. There is no pleasing this crowd because I don't think they want solutions - they want attention and they want to be angry.
This was particularly evident with a few people that I went to college with as they would post of FB. I'm not going to call them out but they are people that have changed a lot since we shared a classroom all those years ago and any time they post about anything they are always on the same pre-determined side. With these people I don't even need to ask their opinion, I will know just based on the fact that they are always on the same side of anything that is even remotely political or social-justice oriented. It really starts to seem like a cult after a while.
It is possible to have a mixed bag of opinions on things you know. You don't have to automatically agree with the garbage that Occupy Democrats posts.

I found this explanation the other day and I think it completely hits the mark. It seems to me that the woke mob, that thankfully seems to have almost completely lost steam because they over-did it big time in the past 3 years, can and will be offended by anything. Also, anything negative that they have experienced in their life has to be the fault of someone else.
I'm not trying to toot my own horn here - ok, maybe a little bit - but I grew up in a rather poor family. I had to work from the age of 6 or 7 or so when I got my first paper route. After I graduated from that I started mowing lawns in the neighborhood for money. At the very moment that I was old enough to legally work I started getting landscaping and construction jobs on the weekends and after school. I washed dishes in a local restaurant.
I worked all the way through high school, then went to college and worked there as well as took out student loans. This was not a white-privilege situation at all. I worked for everything I have. I started from very little and due to family involvement and a real push to achieve I now have done so. I think it is important for "woke" people to realize that their own shortcomings might actually be at least in part, their own fault.
As far as being offended by everything goes: I cant imagine what it must be like to live in the head of someone that is constantly looking for something to complain about; constantly looking for injustice, racism, misogamy, bigotry, and calling anything they disagree with fascism.
There are going to be things that you do not like in your life: This much is guaranteed. Rather than expecting the world to cater to your whims you might want to get slightly thicker skin and roll with the punches. There aint no "woke" in my community. What we do have is respect and order and we didn't even need a government ruling in order to make this happen.
Just be decent to other people, don't take what isn't yours, and roll with the few punches that life throws at you. Maybe stop searching for brownie points on social media too. This whole "woke" movement was spawned by social media and this is why I don't get involved in the major ones anymore. They are a cancer and I hope more and more people can continue to move away from them.