A little shock of reality for Tik-Tok star "Icy Wyatt."

in #usalast year

I am only hearing about this idiot because he popped up on my radar with some of the YouTube channels that I subscribe to. I do not have TikTok, have never used it, and most of the time when I hear about it I cringe with fear and disdain about what the world has become. Well one particular "star" got a little bit of a reality check when he went on a bit of a rampage in Florida and the police got involved and from what I have seen, the police needed to get involved or this 110lb cringe mofo was gonna get waxed - especially in a place like Florida where there are a wide array of reasons and ways in which you can legally shoot someone and kill them.


The story as I know it is that this guy who calls himself ICY Wyatt has over a million followers on TikTok and all he does is post shorts about his day. He is extremely weird and outlandish and the fact that people, and I presume it is mostly younger people enjoy this content says to me that I have little to nothing in common with the new generation of people that are populating the USA and perhaps other parts of the world.


Call me an old man if you want to, but I think that if you are getting tattoos on your face and you are not either a musician or an elite athlete, you are subjecting yourself to a lifetime of failure even if you feel like a success at the time. When I was younger I got a bunch of piercings, none of which I have anymore but I am really glad that I resisted the urge to get covered in ink because most of my friends that did do that kind of regret having done so. I get it, it looks good at the time and people admire it, but I liken it back to simply looking at my hairstyles in the 80's 90's and 2000's. We thought we were hot shit back then but these days we simply look ridiculous. Why anyone would extend that to something that the cannot get taken off of them is still kind of crazy to me.

Anyway, several 911 calls game in about someone driving a pink Mercedes erratically and nearly hitting a woman with a stroller and then later on another call comes in about someone matching the same description getting out of his car and brandishing a firearm, threatening the people he got into a road rage incident with, and then after the man walked away from the armed Wyatt, he pistol whipped him in the back of the head.

This last part is the one that is likely going to get him into a lot of trouble. In Florida, just like in North Carolina where I live, we have a lot of freedom as far as firearms are concerned. However, when you pull that bad boy out there better be a very good reason for you to do so unless you want to get in a lot of trouble. It is especially stupid to smack someone in the back of the head with said gun when they are already retreating the area.


When police confronted him at his home later on, he was in the process of leaving the scene. What he was hoping to accomplish as far as hiding is concerned when you drive a pink car is beyond me. This is not a very inconspicuous vehicle and would be spotted in an instant. Due to protocol and the fact that they already knew he was armed, the police approached in large numbers and with heavy duty weaponry. To someone that just watches the video without context, it could appear as though they were using excessive amounts of people and honestly, they kind of were. But in situations like this it is police protocol to completely overwhelm a suspect to the point where they can visually realize that there is no point in attempting to flee or fight back.

Wyatt didn't do himself any favors when he started talking and this is where I find that this guy is completely disattached from reality. He kept saying "dont you guys know who I am?" as if everyone looks at TikTok all day. I would imagine that getting a million followers is no small feat and Wyatt has actually made some good money because of this but 1 million people, compared to the population of the earth, is not a big enough number to presume that everyone is going to know who you are.

Not that it would matter. If you are Brad Pitt, who everyone does actually know, and are acting like an arrogant fool, trying to pull rank like the rules don't apply to you, and unnecessarily mistreating police, you are still going to get manhandled.

I watched a great deal of the edited footage of his arrest and he just makes things go from bad to worse as he becomes increasingly aggressive with his words towards the officers. He keeps saying "I know my rights" but then proceeds to list rights that are not in fact rights and also becomes rather belligerent when none of the police have ever heard of him.

Parts of the arrest were quite humorous because Wyatt was insisting that the people that he threatened with the gun were fans that were harassing him and it happens to him all the time and this is why he carries the gun.


if you watch the body cam footage interviews of the two men involved with that part of the interaction you will understand how they are extremely unlikely to be fans of Icy Wyatt. One of them didn't even speak English very well.

As far as this happening to him all the time is concerned, I have a hard time believing that these situations, if they exist at all, aren't instigated by Wyatt himself who actually needs drama in his life in order to keep his audience entertained.

This sort of vapid existence where people's entire life's worth is dependent upon how popular they are in terms of likes, mentions, comments, and follows from strangers online is something that I think is a plague upon the planet and in particular among the youth of today. This might sound like a "get off my lawn" type of moment from an old man but I really feel like a lot of the youth of today who spend so much time and effort attempting to develop an online "brand" of sorts end up not actually having actual social skills or any other skills for that matter. If the TikTok thing doesn't pan out for them they are basically unemployable and there is likely a lot of depression in their future. Even the ones that do "make it" will end up that way eventually anyway when their followers dry up since very few influencers who are famous purely because of social media manage to actually stay that way.

Had Wyatt just complied things probably would have turned out a lot better for him because one of the charges that the law in Florida is likely going to take very seriously is the "assault on an officer" part of the charges. His "assault" was very minor but it is caught on camera. He kicked an officer in the thigh while being arrested. This is a big no no in getting arrested.

I am no fan of police and don't want them involved in my life at all. I do know that if they do end up being a part of your life that acting a fool and resisting what they tell you to do is almost never going to result in anything good happening for you. The original incident with the pistol whipping happened around a year ago but when he was brought before a judge recently he was denied bond and will have to stay in jail until his court appearance.

Now I think that Wyatt is a prick and I can't believe that people actually admire someone like this but I do not think it is ok to force the dude to stay in jail for several months before his court case. As much as a jagoff as I think Wyatt is, I feel like this is a serious violation of his actual rights, not the ones that he thinks he has. I do not know the reasons for the judge denying him bond but this is some BS. While his arrest was warranted initially and he in my mind clearly has serious mental issues, that doesn't mean that he should have to sit in a jail for 2 months awaiting his trial when he turned up to stand before the judge without issue. Perhaps Wyatt acted like we would expect from him in the courtroom and well, if that happened I wouldn't be surprised. If that is the case, and they have not said what the reason is, that would change everything.

I think that justice system in the United States is seriously broken, but there are certain times where being respectful is going to go a long way in deciding whether you spend the night in your own bed, or behind bars.


Just another case of F around and find out. There's always some crazy stuck up person doing something stupid.

I used to think maybe I was just getting old but I can't really think of ways that our parents would look at us and think we were this dumb. I mean for sure we did things differently than they did growing up but I wonder what sort of off-the-wall craziness the next gen will do to one-up the TikTok generation?

how can you do something stupider than the things like the Tide Pod challenge?

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