Criminal Dictatorship Under Democratic Guise

in #usa5 years ago

Executive Orders, Veto Power, sitting on bills, playing games with the Congress like 'Pocket Veto'... etc., are ways of governing in the USA, not to mention waging wars in self-defense by attacking nations that never threatened the USA from the beginning...

Just a look at the above recent example where the Trump Regime makes each US citizen an accomplice in crimes against humanity in the Yemen episode should make each USAian go mad. There are plenty of similar crimes against humanity each US citizen is already accomplice of like the War Of Terror waged against Syria, invasions of Iraq and Libya, military coups worldwide...

You can't just say I don't agree to what the President is doing with your tax money and exercising the power you gave him with your vote, and continue your life. He made you an accomplice in his crimes.

US taxpayers are no lesser criminals than the US troops sent as mercenaries worldwide to fight wars for the US corporations and for Israel, no nation ever, yet, threatened the USA, not at any time throughout its history since independence, however, every other country in the world has suffered from a US interference, including close allies like Germany, and excluding so-called Israel.

Are US citizens happy with the genocide in Yemen described as the worst in recent history by the United Nations? If not, go and remove the President and his junta. Don't ask me how you can do that, there are so many provisions in your own constitution for that. Do your own research, if you care not to be held accountable for your role in those crimes committed by your presidents in your name and with your money.

After finishing with the current one you can go and pick up George W. Bush and his war regime, Obama and his Hillary and others...

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US is destroying countries after countries, world needs to stop it.

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