The international bankers have influenced US history since the Revolutionary War.

in #us4 years ago


The War of 1812 was a war by the US against the international bankers who wanted to keep their central bank running in the US. It was not really about US sailors being impressed into the British Navy.

Congress would not extend the charter for the first central bank of the US, in 1811, and so the bankers gave us a war, and they said they were doing it at the time.

The foreign bankers told Congress to extend the charter on the central bank that they owned in the US or there would be a war on the US. That’s why we had the war of 1812, and the Battle of New Orleans in 1814.

We did not win that war so much as we negotiated with the enemy.

US President Andrew Jackson was censured by the Senate for vetoing their legislation for a second foreign-owned central bank in the US, in the 1830s.

The big bankers and industrialists, including the Rockefellers and Rothschilds have have been influencing the US federal government since 1776.

They also have had their fingers in China since the 1800s. The Boxer Rebellion was China’s War of 1812, in effect.

Russia, China, and the US lost control to the international bankers long ago. Mao was their guy. Lenin was their guy. Marx (1800s) was their guy.

Stalin was not their guy. Stalin killed 1 million big bank establishment controlled Trotskyites in Russia in the 1930s, which is why the international bankers and industrialists used their influence in the Third Reich to try to oust Stalin, starting in 1939. They wanted the US and the British to fight with their Third Reich against Stalin.

The communist party of China has to deal with the Rockefellers and Rothschilds as much as the US government does.

The international bankers have control of both the US Congress and the Chinese Communist Party.

They are not trying to make the US communist. They are making China a corporation-run stock market driven totalitarian state like the US is.

They are experimenting with more total control over the citizens of China before bringing their latest wave of high tech totalitarian control to the US. We are already in the middle of it. Those high tech entrepreneurs who go along with the plan of central bank control of the entire planet are greatly rewarded financially.

Our wars in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and North Africa, since 1991 are for control of the world’s oil in order to control the entire planet 🌍, economically, according to David Rockefeller’s right hand man, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds controlled the oil fields in the Russian Empire in 1888. When the Tsar got in the way of their development of the oil refineries, steel plants and railroads in Russia, like they had in the US, they took him out by financing the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. They had already killed the Tsar’s father, so when they killed the Tsar, they killed his entire family as well.

Any US President that gets in their way is ousted from office, one way or another.

Prescott Bush and the Rockefellers and their industrialist friends plotted to oust FDR as they supported Hitler in the 1930s.

Truman was their pick to succeed FDR. Prescott Bush was the big money behind the Eisenhower/Nixon ticket in 1952, after being penalized for Trading With The Enemy in 1942.

Nelson Rockefeller was the big money guy behind Nixon for President in 1968.

Prescott Bush and Nelson Rockefeller ran the CIA when the CIA killed Jack Kennedy in 1963, according to CIA people including E. Howard Hunt, Marita Lorenz, and David Morales.

LBJ was their guy. He was eventually passed over for their guy Nixon.

Their CIA and FBI got rid of Nixon after he pulled US troops out of Vietnam.

An FBI-cleared researcher shot at their own man Ford but missed. She said that she wanted VP Nelson Rockefeller to be President.

The David Rockefeller man Jimmy Carter was ousted by the CIA and big bank establishment media over American hostages in Iran.

It was the George Bush CIA that asked Iran to not release any hostages until after the election. The media hammered away on the hostage crisis every day of the election, with a count of the days that the hostages were held, chipping away at Carter’s chances of re-election. (It is interesting that General Soleimani started his career as an hostage taker.)

The CIA-connected John Hinckley Jr shot Reagan soon after he was elected. Reagan’s injuries facilitated the George Bush takeover of US foreign policy.

Bill Clinton was a Bush/Rockefeller CIA man.

W was a Bush.

Obama was a David Rockefeller man like Carter and both of them were handled by Rockefeller’s man Brzezinski.

They tried to influence Trump. Trump defied them and they tried to oust him in their Mueller Investigation and their first impeachment was in order to flip the Senate.

The election was a total scam.

But, remember that they had Trump on the rack throughout his Presidency.

The indications are that Bill Gates, not the CCP, was behind the lab-created virus pandemic. He funded Dr. Fauci’s biowarfare research on SARS, which was transferred to Wuhan, in the Rockefeller/Rothschild-influenced China, after the NIH banned it in the US.

Dr. Fauci, in turn, funded the lab in Wuhan.

And, Bill Gates is a second generation Rockefeller/Rothschild man.

What is going on is that the Rockefeller/Rothschild establishment now controls the House, Senate, and White House, and Biden is pushing their wars in Syria and Somalia already.

The Trump supporters are too uninformed and unorganized to stand up to the stolen election.

That’s what is going on.

What we are headed for is more war, a worse economy, and more totalitarian control over the US.

The military, media, and political mechanisms to combat and overthrow this tyranny are controlled by the enemy of Russia, China and the US: the international bankers and the corporations in the international big bank establishment.

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