Big banks and oil wars.

in #us4 years ago


Why is the US continually bringing democracy to the world, and acting as the world's police? Why do we have close to a thousand large and small military bases around the world and a military budget that is about 800 billion dollars per year?

It's for control of the wealth of other nations, for the biggest bankers. The current US-backed coup in lithium-rich Bolivia is a good example.

But, the best example is the (mostly) oil wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen, that the US waged or supported since the big banker orchestrated fall of the Soviet Union, in 1991.

Not to forget US bombings in Pakistan and the Philippines.

But, also the many US banker/CIA-backed "Arab Spring" coups and coup attempts in Egypt, Kazakhstan, Libya, Iran, and Syria, etc.

More recently, we saw the US-backed coup attempt in oil-rich Venezuela (Bolton had to leave office for trying to start a war in Venezuela), and the recent US-backed "internal uprising" in Iran and the attempt to get Trump to attack Iran over a downed drone.

The violent street protests in Hong Kong are US-created disruptions for big bank pressure on China, every bit as much as the US support of the Uyghur Muslim jihadists in Western China. The biggest bankers that run the US and EU want better control of China's economy, too.

The Chechnyan Muslim jihadist rebels in Russia are supported by the US.

ISIS, which is in the Phillipines, Libya, Iraq, and Syria, and which used to be called "al Qaeda in Iraq", is supported by the US, British, Israelis, and Saudis, etc, and is instrumental in wars for democracy that have natural resources (oil) that the Rockefellers and Rothschilds want. This is why we saw Chechnyan rebels fighting with ISIS in Syria.

Obama grew up in Indonesia, from the age of 2, because his CIA-connected mother and step-father were helping to bring "democracy" to Indonesia for Rockefeller control of Indonesia's oil. About a million people were killed. Things got so bad that Obama was sent home to live with his CIA-connected grandparents in Hawaii, at the age of 10.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds own the biggest banks and oil corporations and have tremendous influence over members of Congress, the military, the Bush/Rockefeller-run CIA, and news media, through their private organization, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and through the campaign financing of US politicians. They now control Iraq's oil. They sell it mostly to China.

Forty bankers and industrialists created the CIA from their OSS, after WWII. The Bushes and Rockefellers ran it.

The CIA (agent Kermit Roosevelt) was behind the 1953 coup against socialist Prime Minister Mossedeq in Iran. The Rockefellers (Standard) and Rothschilds (BP, Shell) controlled Iran's oil from 1953 until the Iranian Revolution in 1979.

The former head of Israel's military, the IDF, stated that they supported al Qaeda and ISIS, etc. for many years. US General Michael Flynn, of military intelligence, stated that Obama knowingly supported ISIS.

Al Qaeda morphed from the Mujahideen, which the US armed against the Soviet-backed government of Afghanistan, way back in the late 1970s. See Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts star in the movie "Charlie Wilson's War" about CIA arming of the Mujahideen and getting Congressional funding of it.

Afghanistan is fought over because of its geographical location, especially for an oil pipeline from Kazakhstan to Pakistan and the Indian Ocean. But, the world gets 80% of its heroin from Afghanistan, and heroin poppy production boomed under the protection of US troops.

The Bush-run Reagan administration illegally used the CIA to support the Contras in communist Nicaragua by selling cocaine in the US, for arms for the Contras. Tom Cruise recently starred in a movie about that.

The CIA (George H. W. Bush) was behind Irangate, the purchase of weapons from Iran to illegally arm the Contras. CIA supported coups in Central America have mostly been about controlling agriculture there. The Rockefellers own the United Fruit corporation. We see the hand of the Bush/Rockefeller-run CIA in the coup in Guatamala, in 1954.

Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the Rockefeller man, led the CIA-supported coup against socialist President Allende of Chile, in 1973, in order to protect (Rockefeller) Chase Manhattan Bank investments in Chile's industry, including Anaconda Copper Mine, from being nationalized.

The war in Vietnam was about controlling the market for scooters, oil, and Coca-Cola, etc. in Vietnam. But, also, the Bushes and Rockefellers were after offshore oil reserves controlled by Vietnam, in the South China Sea. Semi-communist China is now staking a claim over the South China Sea. President Kennedy supported the CIA coup against President Diem of SOUTH VIETNAM in 1962. But, Kennedy failed to support a greater buildup of US troops in Vietnam.

The Bush/Rockefeller CIA Bay of Pigs invasion was to control Cuba's offshore oil reserves. Fidel Castro had restricted the oil leases that George H. W. Bush, and his father, Prescott Bush (who helped CREATE the CIA) had in offshore Cuban oil. The CIA-backed invasion was managed by George Bush, and he used an island in the Gulf of Mexico that was owned by his oil company, Zapata Oil, to train Cuban exiles to land in Cuba.

WWII was about Rothschild and Rockefeller (etc.) control of Poland, France, and the Soviet Union. US, British, and German bankers and industrialists had invested in German steel and chemical industry after the First World War.

They wanted relief from war reparations to France from their industry in Germany, wanted to stop the nationalization of their industry in Poland, and wanted to get rid of the communists in the Soviet Union, which they had also invested in. They wanted the US and the British to fight with Germany against the communists.

The Marshall Plan was the Rothschild/Rockefeller (etc.) plan to get US taxpayers to rebuild their industry in Germany. The Rothschild/Rockefeller-financed climate change extremism politics in climate science is in order to get US taxpayers to build their industry in Third World Nations, including nuclear power plants throughout Africa. It should be called the New Green Marshall Plan.

Or, was that a rhetorical question?

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