US Congress passes Cloud Act to gain access to online data worldwide

in #us6 years ago

Recently, the US Congress passed a Cloud Act with a federal law on 23.03.2018 which permits law enforcement agencies to seek online information from other countries in the world without suspicion or actual reason.

fig-25-03-2018_20-33-07 (1).jpg

The Cloud Act was presented by the Republican Senator Orrin Hatch and was supported by both sides, Democratic and Republican Senators. The decision provides law enforcement authorities right of entry to all electronic data stored on servers in other countries. That includes emails, Facebook messages or files of any different types.



Related details

[Video 1] U.S. Congress Quietly Passes CLOUD Act to Increase Gov't Access to Online Info

[Video 2] CLOUD Act could weaken online privacy


Bye bye civil liberties

That law gives law enforcement agencies the right to access that information. As servers are located in other countries and other countries could have different rules on the access to data, then those agencies could be unable to access that data.

@javirid I agree with you. Think the Congress is becoming too dominating. It's just the matter of time before other countries react.

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