White Supremacists Rising Up in US

in #us6 years ago

I've just watched the report from Frontline on the events that took place 1 year ago in Charlottesville (

). I've been watching Frontline sporadically for a couple of years and I think that the program has been doing some excellent reporting, helping me get valuable insights into some of the more zeitgeist topics.

Let's make it clear, we are talking big things here. Not actions of any individual person, engaging in hate crime. Looking into minute details from lives of single actors would, of course, be detrimental to the aspirations of a person, seeking to get some basic understanding into Zeitgeist issues.

Trump Might Be a White Supremacist

I understand that this might be too "click-bait-y", but it's not. There are clear signs that he thinks that these people are just another group of influence in US. He thinks that - just as other influence groups - there can be violent member in it.

One year ago, in Charlottesville, the police did nothing while the neo-Nazi were punching people in the face.

Next thing you know, the President says "there's been a lot of violence - from all sides". How could a POTUS say stuff like that?

Jesus, are we really getting closer to the Second Civil War in the US?

Street Gangs

I think that there's a clear connection between street gangs and White Supremacists. I think that street gangs might be the biggest issue in the United States, as of now.

I also think that a lot of members for those gangs might be coming from outside of the United States. So, yeah, I think that the immigration should be strictly controlled in order to prevent un-controlled deluge of people into the country.

The point as to the horrible conditions in Latin America is not very relevant. The conditions might be as bad in North Korea.

The best thing to help both regions is to invest lots of money into them, so that they feel that they are being cherished and eventually cut the crap and become good countries.

Nobody wants to do that. So, that's why we are where we are.


So, lots of members of White Supremacists come from street gangs. During their time in the streets, they learn the tough science for being a street fighter.

Now, they are starting to use these skills in their demonstrations.

There's a lot of video footage showing them punching opposing demostrators/just people who happen to demostrated near them re the causes that might or might not oppose their causes. This is very bad.

It's not bad according to them. I guess they believe it to be totally OK to act like that. Anyway, these people come from street gangs. I am not trying to be stereotypical here, but any sane person would agree that a person who's been in a street gang will be expected to have a better outlook of stree violence, as compared to, say, elementary school teacher, right?

Only Men Allowed

As you might've guessed groups like that allow only men. They don't like women much. I don't know why.

Well, I kinda do. Men - due to the structure of their hormones - are all about survival and kicking butts of anybody who wants to interfere with their turf. Women nurture kids. You need to be patient with kids because kids are, well, pretty stupid in the first couple years.

So, it's totally normal not to see lots of women in their midst.

At the same time, the fact that they don't have any women places a question as to whether women are equal to men.

Well, my position is that women ARE NOT equal to men with regard to fighting skills and strength overall. Naturally, there might exist some women that are much stronger than most men, but it's a fluke.

I am very tolerant, like feminism and I just think that we are all people wanting to be happy and have some fun while on this planet.

However, since the White Supremacists don't have women, this shows women are not equal to men in terms of fighting skills.

Women Are Not Allowed Not Because They Are Deficient But Because Less Women Are Morons Than Men Are

So, another point is… it's in the subheading. Women tend to be life-smarters. They don't want to fight, haggle or be aggressive. They want to make kids, cuddle and… teach, make discoveries, make money… But, becoming a White Supremacist has very low chances among women.

That's why I think that if you inject one woman into a 100-men group of neo-Nazis, they might end up courting that woman, taking her to drinks and basically talking stuff with her, instead of doing street-fighting.

That might be a very potent solution.

However, groups like that hide away and live in shadows.

Trump Is Womanless

Trump has no WOMEN in his life. He has pussies and boobs. I don't think that he treats women as humans.

Melania never speaks to people about stuff.

And Trump is so Gosh talkative, and she's not. I think that it's a torture for him to cuddle after sex with nothing to talk to her about.

If Trump had a woman like Michelle Obama, she'd explained to him pretty quickly what he needs to say about the White Supremacists.

But Trump has chosen Melania. He likes them this way.

He doesn't like talking with people. He likes TALKING TO them.


We might've entered the period which is going to be known as start of the process that resulted in the collapse of the United States as we know them. Or, it might be just a thing and it will go away. From information I am getting into my brain, this is not a fluke accident and this thing is going to blow into a very big thing in 2-10 years.

I might even see some parallels to Hitler.

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