When an earthquake occurs, can one be safe on an airplane?

in #us5 months ago

Passengers on an airplane indeed won't directly feel the shaking of an earthquake because the aircraft is flying in the air, far above the ground. However, earthquakes may affect the takeoff and landing of the aircraft. If an earthquake damages airport facilities, such as deforming the runway or disrupting communication and navigation equipment, the aircraft may not be able to land safely. Additionally, volcanic eruptions triggered by earthquakes can also pose a threat to flight safety because volcanic ash and debris may damage aircraft engines or interfere with aircraft operation.


Although airplanes in the air are not directly affected by seismic waves, the ground conditions during an earthquake may affect the normal operation of the aircraft, especially during takeoff or landing. Therefore, while passengers on an airplane may be relatively safe during an earthquake, they may not entirely escape unscathed, especially if they need to land or take off in the affected area. In conclusion, airplanes are not affected by earthquakes during flight, but ground conditions can affect the normal operation of the aircraft, especially during takeoff and landing. Therefore, even on an airplane, it's not possible to completely avoid all risks associated with earthquakes. Learning various earthquake prevention and self-rescue knowledge to increase the chances of survival in disasters is something everyone should do. Hopefully, everyone can stay away from earthquakes and live in peace and joy!


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