Top 7 Effective Home Remedies To Prevent Urinary Tract InfectionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #urinary6 years ago

A urinary tract infectionhappens when outside bacteria especially E coli, gets pushed into the urethra or when bacteria already existing in the bladder multiply to unhealthy levels. UTI that infects the bladder is called Cystitis and UTI that infects the urethra is called Urethritis. UTI infecting the kidney is called Pyelonephritis.

A person having UTI feels burning pain when the go to urinate, there is always an urge to pee , pain in the lower back, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.There is always a pressure in the lower belly. The urine is bloody or pink at times and has some cloudy smell. Urine could be odorless or strong smelling. The patient feels fever and fatigue in most cases. There could be confusion or delusions too. Muscle aches are also common.

Women who are diabetic, pregnant or past menopause are more prone to others. Women are at higher risk for these infections as in women, the urethra opening is located closer to the anus. Sexually transmitted infection can cause UTI in women. Loss of estrogen and hormonal changes often cause UTI.

Having sex more often and having sex with more partners often lead to UTI. In men, those having enlarged prostate often gets UTI. Using catheter to urinate is a common cause of developing UTI.

In most cases, the treatment is done using antibiotics but there are ways to prevent UTI and even treat it using some natural methods.

The most effective home remedies to prevent Urinary Tract Infection are :

Increase the intake of water : This helps in flushing out the bacteria from the bladder and urinary tract and cleansing the infection out of body. Fluids that include caffeine or alcohol should be limited as they might irritate the bladder . Do not hold the urge to urinate. Holding it can help any bacteria that may be present to develop into an infection quickly.

The most natural way to prevent urinary tract infection is drinking cranberry juice( 4 to 10 ounces). Cranberries contain proanthocyanidins that are known to prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder. Cranberry also inhibits the growth of gram positive bacteria . It should be used unsweetened for best results. Dried cranberries may be taken . Cranberry supplements are also effective.

Increase the intake of probiotic foods in diet. Probiotic foods like yogurt (kefir) ,and fermented drinks like kombucha helps in increasing good vaginal bacteria. Probiotics help support the body’s normal flora while eating fermented foods helps in restoring the natural flora and recolonize the bladder with helpful bacteria. This includes eating raw cheese, kimchi, sauerkraut

A freshly crushed garlic is known for its antimicrobial properties and anti fungal properties. It is good to avoid yeast infections and UTI. It can be taken early morning (in raw form) to prevent UTI. One may take a spoon of raw honey with it

D-Mannose is the most effective supplement to prevent and treat UTIs. It is a naturally occurring sugar which is found in fruits like apples, blueberries and cranberries . D-Mannose attaches to E. Coli bacteria causing them to stick together instead of sticking to urinary tract walls. Then bacteria can be easily flushed out of the body. One teaspoon of D-Mannose should be taken daily. It can be mixed in water and taken if needed.

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful remedy in naturally preventing UTI and treating it too. It makes the urine more acidic so the bacteria cant grow in it. It also works by flushing out bacteria and dislodging it from the urinary tract. One needs to take 2 spoons of raw apple cider vinegar daily.

Consuming Vitamin C supplements helps in acidifying the urine and reducing the risk to developing the infection. Changing the pH of urine makes it difficult for bacteria to survive and thereby lower the risk of UTI. Vitamin C is commonly found in citrus fruits like oranges .

Taking clove or applying clove oil ,both are good ways to prevent UTI. Clove oil has anti microbial, anti fungal and antiviral properties. It also possess anti inflammatory properties which helps in relieving pain associated with UTI.

Life style changes that are needed to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections:

The most important think to keep in mind especially women is to wipe the area from front to the back . Bacteria tends to hand around the anus . By wiping from front to back, after a bowel movement , the bacteria is less likely to make it to the urethra.

Always wash yourself before sex to keep the bacteria away from the urethra and try urinating afterwards to push out any bacteria that might have entered the urinary tract . It is important to stay away from a diaphragm, spermicide or spermicide lubricated condom as they contribute to bacterial growth. It is good to wash immediately after sexual intercourse as it will prevent transferring bacteria to the urethra or vaginal area during sex.

Avoid using feminine products like douches, deodorant, sprays, talcs as they would cause irritation.

Wear cotton under wears, prefer taking showers instead of bath and avoid tight clothing that can trap the bacteria near urethra. Prefer keeping the vaginal area clean and dry.

Tampons are often advised during menstrual periods instead of sanitary napkins or pads as they keep the bladder opening area drier and thereby limit bacterial overgrowth.

It is important to keep hormones balanced .This can be done by consuming healthy fats like raw butter, avocado, hempseed, chia seeds , cod liver oil and coconut oil.

Since sugar consumption weakens the immune system ,depletes the body of vital nutrients and helps bacteria to overgrow . It is necessary to stay away from sugary products.

It is very important to cut bladder irritants from the diet like caffeine, spicy foods, carbonated drinks and artificial sweeteners. It is recommended to decrease consumption of alcohol as it suppresses the immune system. Also, one needs to quit smoking as smoking irritates the bladder .

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