Slow collection investors
Current Rates:
STEEM payment: 2.1x SBD upvote
SBD payment: 2.1x SBD upvote
100% upvote worth: 4.50 SBD
Min/max STEEM payment: 0.01 - 1 STEEM
min/max SBD payment: 0.01 - 1 SBD
Have any questions or suggestions? Send me an email at [email protected]
Steem power getting expensive
Hello everyone, just sending out an update as a large investor dropped out, so we're down to $4.50 as 100% upvote. Currently it's only profitable if I get 95 +SP per STEEM paid per week.
And the average delegation price is now 70-90 SP per STEEM per week.
I'll keep the service up for now while I have my current delegations but I presume they'll drop out for better prices soon enough.
At that point I can leave the service up with my own SP, which will be significantly lower, but operational.
At that point I might consider selling the code to the bot, but we'll see if it comes to that.
Future updates
Allow links with "#comments" at the end -- COMPLETE
Allow comments in memo with link (Almost fixed) -- COMPLETE
redesign bot to work with account history (Almost complete)
Calculate upvote worth automatically
Allow links (Almost fixed)
Fix issue with bot get stuck when voting power goes under 70%.
Refund payments for posts older than 6 days.
Have any questions or suggestions? Send me an email at [email protected]
Thanks again for your continued support.
Kind Regards, UpvoteWhale.