Getting Upvotes. You May Be Boring & You May Not Post Enough

in #upvotes6 years ago

Hi Everyone, this is @steemcafe answering questions you send me. Mailbag. If you have a question. Comment down below or email me at [email protected].

Question today is "How do I get Upvotes?"

2 things: #1 Content #2 Consistency.

What do you think the audience wants to see?
Who is your audience?
Who do you want to attract?
Are you satisfying your audience's needs?
Talk to other creators?
Ask is you content any good?
Ask how you can improve your account?
Are you entertaining?

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▶️ DTube

I think you are wrong. The first Question ist not "what do you think the audience wants to see?"

I think the first question has to be: "What do I really want to post about?"

Because if i only post what others wants to see i loose myself.

I do not think there is some secret formula to get more or higher Upvotes. Be yourself and write Content that is captivating and Engaging.

Content that people can relate to but also something different that they may not have experienced the way you exactly did ;)

Informative high-quality video, IJ. Yes, it's excellent to think about your audience and to consistently deliver a message that connects with them. If you are delivering messages from your heart, that is when the connection with others will begin to take off on a massive scale.

"You may be boring" DB LOL! This is amazing advice man! Great work, very well thought out. It is definitely the "body of work" that attracts upvotes, I agree with that. What is truly hilarious, is the comments on this post. @apatronyt do not ask for follows and upvotes. did you watch the video?

Thanks a lot @steemcafe , those are golden tips, we have to find the best content that our followers want from us. Thanks for your inspiration. ☺

Hola, mi pregunta es como logro subir mi poder de voto y mi reputación?Por favor enséñame tu estrategia.

You need to make yourself an animated Gif to get up-votes

"Build it and they will come". Quality is important. We are all competing to get attention with so many other forms of media - YouTube, Facebook, etc. The reality is that if you have a quality message, produced and delivered in a professional way, the audience will come to you if they resonate in anyway with the message. If your message is relevant to only 0.00001% of the population, then fine - if there are billions of people on DTube, Steemit, etc. then you will get followers, and be rewarded for posting your message in whatever format you choose. But if you are not authentic, passionate and knowledgeable about your message, it is obvious and the audience will go elsewhere. That said, I'm sick of seeing stupid videos posted with no message, or someone reposting some music track they didn't author, or posting photos just to get something out there. It is not helping, and it is potentially driving away punters from being here to discover GREAT content that so many of us are devoting massive amounts of time to produce. So please consider quality before you spam out irrelevance because it may drive away the audience back to the centrally controlled mega-corps.

Excellent tips man!
I think I got a solid foundation. I have been sticking to 3 similar concepts for the past year. Videos in my niche(acrobatics), consistency, UPing quality and entertainment value. To add one more would be networking.

I like how you didn't fluff up your video with the usually "how to get upvotes on Steemit". You got straight to the point with no bs. Good stuff.

I think the most challenging thing for anyone to do is actually make your work stand out and be entertaining.
Something I have been doing recently is having a friend watch my videos and find out when they get bored. Then ask them where they got bored while watching. Usually it is when you drag a scene on for to long or rabble about something for to long.

One other thing that I thing that could be added to a "How to get upvote" type video is the networking side of the platform.
Great content, consistence is GREAT but if there is thousands of pieces of content a day drowning each other out, networking is huge.

My question is:
How much time a day do you spend networking with other to get extra exposure?
Discord, making comments, ect.

I think this could be a great video topic.

Have a great day! :)

Thanks for the tips!

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