Food for Thought

Spare a few moments to ponder on these thoughts.

To those who see with loving eyes, life is beautiful. To those who speak with tender voices, life is peaceful. To those who help with gentle hands, life is full. And to those who care with compassionate hearts, life is good beyond all measure. - Unknown

People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little. It is plain that an ignorant person thinks everything he does know important, and he tells it to everybody. But a well-educated man is not so ready to display his learning; he would have too much to say, and he sees that there is much more to be said, so he holds his peace. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

One day, we all will depart on a journey free of cost. Don’t worry about seat reservation, it is confirmed. The flight is always on time. Our good deeds will be our luggage. Humanity will be our passport. Love will be our visa. Make sure we do our best to travel to Heaven in business class. - Unknown

Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creature of outside conditions, but when he realizes that he is a creative power, and that he may command the hidden soil and seed of his being out of which his circumstance grow, he then becomes the rightful master of himself. - Unknown

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My previous posts: -

Laughter, the Best Medicine
On Happiness


howdy sir Vincent! how's it going over there? It's probably Thursday afternoon or something weird like that. lol. Really like the quotes. I'm sure the second one is why you don't say much! lol.
And it's probably why I talk alot!

The Dalai Lama said, "If I talk, I am repeating what I know. If I listen, I might learn something."
Somebody else said, "Unless you can add to the beauty of the silence, it is better to keep your mouth shut."
However, in my case, it is a lack of eloquence, and being not the sharpest knife in the drawer. So better keep my mouth shut and let people think I am wise rather than open my mouth and remove all doubts. :-)

@janton. Please don't worry about my lack of RCs. I don't feel comfortable accepting help from strangers. I will find my way, and i will eventually get there - at my own pace, my own effort.

No, the length of your post is just nice - not too long, not too short. It is interesting, so even if it is a bit longer, that is fine. I generally prefer to read something short, interesting and straight to the point - no long winded post, beating around the bush. But you have a story to tell. It is interesting, and you tell it very nicely. So, I don't think your posts are long at all.

I must have lost a decade somewhere. Daniel Boone, the show was in the 60s was it? Mmm...

I am retired. But I am working on Steem now. So, semi-retired? :-)

haha! Well that's the way am about talking too sir Vincent. One on one is ok but several people, forget it. Not eloquent at all by a real long way. lol.

Okay I won't submit your name for an sp boost but the way I look at it is that the faster I grow my account the faster I can help others and if you can grow your account then in just a few months you'll be able to start helping newer or smaller accounts.

yes sir I think the tv show started in the mid 60's but a quick search should confirm that. By the 70's it was probably too corny with no sex appeal or raciness.

Thanks for your opinion about the post length, I've asked others and no one will give me an opinion and then I get concerned. lol.

Steemit is for sure making it a semi-retirement. Did you ever tell me what you retired from?

howdy @ajnton. I had a small pub for a while. Then business got so bad it wasn't worthwhile to keep it going, so I closed down and retired.

Sorry for the late reply, but I am trying to sort out the mess I am in with Steemcleaner and cheetah at the moment. I am now as famous as the bandits in your story. I am a plagiarist, a spammer, a ID thief. Messy, messy. I am appealing to them to get me off the blacklist and I need all the RC I get. Will talk more once the mess is sorted out.

howdy sir Vincent..I'm so sorry about that, yes I've heard of other people having terrible times with cheetah too. I think it just needs to be banned if you can't reason with whoever is working it.
Your situation is unique since you use other people's sayings.
I hope you can get it straightened out. Thanks so much for explaining this.

howdy @janton My situation is uniquie - true. It wasn't the sayings that got me into trouble. Sayings are all right to use. It is the jokes that got me into trouble. The post had 5 jokes, and the bot considered that multiple times of wrong doing. But the irony is, they accused me of plagiarizing from somebody's post on Facebook - which is absolutely not true. I tried to explained that to them - that I am wrongly accused and that it should be considered one time and not multiple times, but they either do not understand or they won't give it. Bummer. So the bots decide our fate on Steemit.

Enjoyed the Daniel Boone story. Looking forward to the next story. :-)

well that's just crazy sir Vincent! so what happens now? You just can't post any jokes anymore? They really need to fix problems like that.

@janton, I have to post original content posts for 7 days and go back to them to ask them to lift the blacklist. So, I will wait till after the 7 days before i resume my normal postings. Where jokes are concerned, you have to credit your source, and add some original content in the post - about 50% to be on the safe side.
It's damn annoying, unfair and ironic that the @cheetah should be downvoting my posts now when it is all original. I am punished for being punished. Downright weird, ridiculous and ludicrous. :-)

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