Life's Little Lessons

Some aphorisms, maxims and truisms – motivational and inspirational words to nudge you along life’s journey during your moments of doubt.

We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others, that in the end, we become disguised to ourselves. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Neither rejoice nor lament prematurely; for whatever may happen, all will be well if we only have health; for happiness exists – merely in the imagination. - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Our battered suitcases were piled on the side-walk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life. - Jack Kerouac

Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. - John Locke

He who lives without folly is not as wise as he may think. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld

We struggle with the complexities and avoid the simplicities. - Norman Vincent Peale

When you make a mistake, laugh! That way, no one is laughing at you, they are laughing with you. - Unknown

Men are born with two eyes, but only one tongue, in order that they should see twice as much as they say. - Charles Colton

Self-discipline cures our body, deep concentration cures our mind and wisdom cures our behaviour. - Unknown

The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. - George Orwell

Good and evil, reward and punishment, are the only motives to a rational creature: these are the spur and reins whereby all mankind are set on work, and guided. - John Locke

We should never be afraid of tears. They soften our hearts, wash our eyes, and clear our vision. - Unknown

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My previous posts: -
Oxymoronic Quotes


howdy sir Vincent! wow these are some real jewels here! but Mozart was a whack job "for happiness exists – merely in the imagination" HA! I guess he probably wasn't saved at least not when he wrote that.

The one that starts with self discipline is excellent! alot of them are actually, good job again!

howdy @janton. I am glad that you like the quotes.

I think Mozart might have been quoted out of context, or his meaning lost in translation. I am assuming that he meant happiness is a state of mind. Anyway ...

howdy there sir Vincent! hey are you doing all the commenting that you want to do or is it restricting you and stopping you from growing your account?
I think I'll start a list of people who need a boost of sp.

Hey @janton, you must be an angel. Very kind of you to offer to boost my SP. :-)
However, I think you better reserve them for more deserving individuals. There are several reasons for my saying that, after due consideration. Firstly, a few of the guys whose posts I used to comment on has now stopped posting. Secondly, I find it hard work looking for post that resonates with me to comment. And it is depressing when people don't respond to my comments after I made the effort. Besides, my posts are not rocket science posts and it is difficult to impress people unless they are into quotes. Finally, I don't want to spend too much time on Steem for the time being. I have a couple of projects of eBooks I want to do. So, I will just work within my RC limits for now and plod on at my own pace.
However, if you come across anyone who likes quotes, please introduce them to my blog.
Once again, thank you for thinking of me. I really appreciate the thought. Cheers!

sir Vincent! I know what you mean about people not responding like you and I do but it's been a numbers game for me and probably would be for you as well.

I mean, I have to go through a lot of people before I find some that will carry on a conversation, and usually that doesn't happen unless you go to their posts to comment and vote so it takes a ton of work and voting and rc power but I've been able to build some good conversational contacts and those stay loyal because of the conversation.

So I understand if you can't afford to put in that kind of time right now. If you do want to keep trying then I know someone who will help by delegating sp so that I don't have to drain my account.

I think if you can build conversational friendships like you and I have that the posting content doesn't matter. Sure I like good content but it doesn't make a bit of difference what the post is like, I will still support the person no matter what. If the post is good then that's just a nice bonus.

I think you could continue to build by concentrating on friendships like you did with me, you were one of the few who kept replying to me. lol.
But anyway let me know if you want more rc or could use more rc.

I know it's hard to find a niche to post about. the guys who like silver have it made because they buy a few coins or rounds or bars each week and they have a short, easy post to make and get great support from the SSG community so that's something to consider if you have the budget for it.

Other than that, have you looked into steemhunt? That's another totally different way to grow your account and move up faster but it's their own separate community but takes much less time than the regular steemit process.

ha! I've been called a lot of things but never an angel! lol.

Thank you @janton. I will bear your offer in mind, and if I should need a heads up in future, I know who to turn to.
You put a lot of time and effort into your work and I am happy to see that you have quite a few fans and responses to your posts. But they should be bringing in $10, $20 levels instead of the amount you are getting now.

There was a TV series in the 70s called Daniel Boone. I wonder if that has anything to do with either of the Daniel Boone mentioned in your posts.
Sorry to be mentioning that here but it's to save on RC. haha... Besides, I think the post has already decent responses.

Sir Vincent! howdy there... yeah I know, the low earnings...I don't know how people bring in big money but some have big name people that they've attracted somehow.
I was going to ask you what you thought about the length of that last post but you probably can't answer. That's not right. I'm gonna contact someone about this and see if they really do want to delegate some sp.

Anyway. yes one of our most famous Frontiersman, explorer and scout was Daniel Boone but the man in my story's name is May. It's just that his parents named him Daniel Boone May and he used his middle name to go he was known as Boone.
I remember that tv show, I watched it but that was on in the 1960's not the 70's. But you were close.

You and I are probably similar in age I suppose? I know you told me but I can't remember if you work or are retired. and if your rc is low you can't answer! lol

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