Class Reunion

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I went to a class reunion yesterday. This was a Food and Beverage class conducted by the Singapore Hotel Association Training and Educational Center in 1986.

We went our separate ways after graduation. Occasionally, some of them will run into each other, but none thought of organizing a reunion. I kept in touch with one guy, Ernest, and we would occasionally meet up for a meal. We wondered about the rest of the class from time to time, but again, we never thought of organizing a reunion.

Ernest met Theresa some years ago, and they kept in touch. One day, Ernest suggested that the three of us should meet up for a meal, at his place. As usual, we reminiscence about the days gone by, and the class of ‘86. Theresa said she managed to contact Halim, another of our classmate. So, now there were four of us, and we had planned to meet up for dinner.

Ernest started a group chat on Whatsapp so that it would be easier to communicate with each other. Things got interesting after this. Halim added somebody from the class to the chat, and he or she added someone else, and before you know it, there were twelve of us. All were enthusiastic to meet up. So we settled on last night - dinner at one of the guy’s family restaurant. Unfortunately, only ten of us were able to make it.

We all had a great time catching up. We were amazed that none of us has changed much after 32 years. Yes, we are all a bit older, but otherwise, not much has changed, from character to mannerisms. We are still very much our old selves.

A couple of names were thrown up during the chit-chat, and someone got busy on the phone searching through Facebook, and what do you know - we found another two of them. There were four foreigners in the class. They, and two other locals can’t be located. But otherwise, fifteen of us in the class of twenty-one are accounted for. Anyhow, we had a great night last night, so much so that a date has been set – albeit tentatively, for our next meet – February the 15th 2019.

By the way, the food was good too. Sorry, no photos of food. Nobody took any photos of the food. Can you believe that?

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Wow! What nostalgia for you quotes-haven to meet your friends after 32 years. I am only 25 years of age! This is amazing. There will be loads of meetups for all your old friends. Ask them to join STEEM. Hehe. Upvoted!

Thank you for stopping by. Yes it was a very happy occasion, meeting up with old classmates. You are a young man, I am an old man. :-) I don't think Steem is their kind of thing. :-)

Haha what a fun night sir Vincent! great job and I think it's amazing that you were able to get so many back together. I wouldn't want to be the restaurant owner, it would be like having a bunch of critics eat there! lol.

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