Opinion - Why you shouldn't upvote yourself

in #upvote8 years ago (edited)

Ok, so you are allowed to vote for whoever you want - including yourself, and there is technically nothing wrong with doing so. In the Steemit paper, it even says that it is OK to do. So why shouldn't you? You only get 20 votes per 24 hours that carry their full weight. After that, the weight of your Steem Power starts to go down. That means you have 20 votes a day that you can make fully count. Think about all of the amazing content that is being posted, which goes basically unnoticed? You know how it feels to have just posted some amazing content, and then sit there and wait, patiently, hoping someone comes along and upvotes your post. So go out there and make someone's day. Upvote someone else's posts! Make your 20 votes per day count!

Image Artist Credit: @artist1989


Thanks! I’ve been upvoting the crap out of my own stuff, but you are right! I’ll make someone else’s day, and maybe they’ll take notice and do the same, thanks Timcliff

I've started with upvote myself in every single comment that I made, but I don't do this anymore. I was trying to powerup my account, but it doesn't work. So, I start to upvote others posts that I like and voilá, it works!

Did you honestly see an uptick from upvoting others post vs your own? I'm honestly super happy if that's the case because that's generally how I operate. The more people sticking to a realistic upvoting, the better content we will get to see.

I had no idea we only get 20 votes per day. Or is this an old post and things have changed since then?

You should be fine to vote as often as you'd like (within reason). Here is a post with more info.

Well this just got my upvote :)

I guess If you posted something really brilliant with a lot of hard work put into it, It's okay to give it an up yourself. but maybe ease a little with upvoting every post you make

Thank you! I've been slightly unclear on this subject for a bit as I'm still relatively new. Appreciate the write up.

Great to know! I had no idea! Much thanks!

If everyone wants to vote for themselves I don't see the issue. They have determined that the content they want to see on steemit is their own and only their own. It is a weird way to promote and expand the platform, but to each their own. Also keep in mind, the people voting for themselves or creating voting bots are usually the ones with $11 of steempower.

@timcliff Upvoting because it's an important topic but I totally disagree with you here.

Upvoting doesn't hurt anything, even yourself. Yes after awhile it starts to impact the dollar value of your vote, but if you're a minnow your vote has almost no dollars.

Deplete the power to 0 each day, upvote and comment as much as you can and vote up everything you say. This will increase your power dramatically. Look at my history I've been here less than 2 weeks and have earned everything I have despite drawing off my steem dollars daily and using it to wine and dine friends to get them to come here.

So be generous with your upvotes even to yourself. You're spreading a little love and kindness and even a tiny amount of money around.

Thanks for the reply. It is an interesting point of discussion. It does say that if you vote more than 20 times that the weight of your vote goes down, so the point of my article was that you could maximize 'spreading the love' if you spent 100% of your upvoting on other people's posts.

I've actually found another situation where it seems OK/good to upvote yourself, and that is if you aren't going to have time to read and find 20 other good pieces of content to vote on within 24 hours. In that case, your remaining votes would be 'wasted' so you might as well upvote yourself if you think it is good content.

If all you do (William Banks) is resteem other's posts, how is it that you have earned so much SP? Did you fund your account initially? You did say you earned it but I don't see where.

If I were to up vote lets say 100 posts, would my vote not carry full weight for 5 days?

There is info on this in the FAQ. As a short answer, 40 votes per 24 hours is the amount you can cast without depleting your voting power at a rate faster than it replenishes.

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