Benefits of Balanced Diet

in #upvote6 years ago

Balanced diet for health is of great importance, because the food we eat daily in the morning and evening gives the body energy and disease restraint after the digestion is done. The body is powered by the energy received from the food. There are verbs in the muscles. Due to physical strength we do all the work. In the absence of a balanced diet, due to the development of physical impairment, we suffer from various diseases. Food keeps the body healthy and balanced. The internal organs of the body are active with energy energy of food. Due to the energy power of food,various functions. Plays, lift the load and do the brain work. Energy is generated by the addition of carbohydrate and fat in food. When we eat food grains, pulses, potatoes, ghee, oil, butter, jaggery, If you consume sugar and nuts, then the body gets energy. Protein is also consumed for energy.
The food produces new fibers in the body. The origin of new fibers is very important for pregnant women. Fibers are destroyed every day due to physical work. The process of building new fibers from the food keeps on moving. The body produces food from various food proteins, mineral salts and water. Milk, curd, milk-made food, peanuts, dried fruits, pulses, soya bean, meat-fish, eggs get proteins from the body. With nutritious and balanced food, the body gets immune system.The availability of this power comes from mineral salts, proteins, water, vitamins etc. The body gets more anti-inflammatory power than fruit-vegetables, sprouted cereals, pulses, milk, curd, cottage cheese and eggs.

There are two types of carbohydrates. A sugar substitute Carbohydrates give energy to the body as well as heat. Sugar carbohydrates are digested quickly. Carbohydrates are found in high amounts in all grains. Barley, wheat, maize, millet, jowar, sugars, potatoes, rice, sugarcane, beetroot, dates and bananas are especially found in carbohydrates. Sugar and jaggery contain high amounts of carbohydrate. They are quickly digested.done.

The power and the energy in the body arises from the protein. The formation of cells in cells and reconstruction of destroyed cells is also done by the proteins. Protein also develops power. Protein pulses contain ample amounts. In addition to pulses, there is more amounts of protein in gram, peas, paneer, nuts and milk.

Protein provides the immune system to the body. Protein develops mental power. The build of the muscles is also made from the protein.
There are many types of proteins. Some proteins are soluble in water, while some proteins do not dissolve in water. Egg whiteness is also a type of protein. Proteins contain the basic elements of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus. Protein maintains balance in acids and alkalis. Hemoglobin present in red blood cells transmits oxygen into every part of the body. Transports carbon dioxide to the lungs (lungs) for expulsion from the body. Adult men and women get 10-12 percent of the body's energy required. In pregnancy, women should get 15% per 100% protein.

Fat is the most potent substance for body power, energy and brain. According to experts, there is a mixture of fatty acids and glycerin in fat. Fat is composed of elements of carbon-hydrogen and oxygen. Fat does not contain nitrogen content. Fats provide 2.5 times more power and heat than carbohydrate. Fat provides strength to the muscles of the body, but increased fat intake increases the intake of fat.

Being light with water, it floats on it. Keeping in a cool environment, fat gets accumulated. By consuming fat, the body gets heat and energy. Due to fat, the skin remains ductile and tender.
Fats perform functions of life elements in different components. The fat found below the skin does not let the body heat out. In this way fat keeps the body temperature constant. Fat helps in the elimination of defecation. Destroys the fabrication.

Calcium gives strength to body armor. The teeth also get calcium-resistant power. is. The power to freeze blood also comes with calcium. It keeps the heart rate balanced. Calcium milk, cottage cheese, curd, eggs have excessive amount of fruits and vegetables. In the absence of calcium, children get recurrent and women with mild toxicity are present. 1 gram calcium is required every day.
100 grams in 20 grams of gram, 20 in peas, 240 in soya beans, 73 in spinach, 73 in fenugreek, 395 in fenugreek, 155 in mustard greens, 39 in cabbage, 340 in gram greens, 33 in cauliflower, 66 in tomato, 20 in tomato, In cucumber 20, 20 in rig, 20 in rig, 26 in orange, 20 in pineapple, 10 in pomegranate, 70 in lemon, 70 in grapes, 20 in falc, 129 in fig, 80 in fig, 14 in mango, 10 mg in guava Calcium occurs.

Protein in milk is in 3.5 percent of the quantity. Milk also contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium etc. Mineral salts and vitamins 'C' and 'D' also get. Fat is dissolved in milk. Milk also contains carbohydrate and milk sugars (lactose). The milk should be boiled and consumed.

Yogurt is made after boiling the milk. The properties of curd become converted from milk. According to experts, curd is more potent. Curd is made from bacteria that produce 'lectic acid' in boiled milk. Proteins, calcium, phosphorus, fats and vitamins 'A' and 'D' are also available in curd. The yogurt's digestion process is quicker than milk. Curd in flux (diarrhea) and diarrhea (diarrhea) is very beneficial. In cardiovascular diseases and high intake of high blood pressure
the consumption of curd reduces the amount of cholesterol present in the blood. Principle of curd restricts the formation of cholesterol in the liver. Drinking heat of lentils destroys summer heat. Fabrication: Dissolve made from curd helps in a lot of relief.

Most people eat cereals like wheat, rice, gram, millet, corn etc. Wheat contains 13 per cent protein and 70.92 per cent carbohydrate and 2.27 per cent fat. Most of the rice is used after wheat. The amount of protein and fat (lube) in rice is low. Rice contains 18.8 per cent of carbohydrate. Most of the rice is consumed for the supply of white blood sugar. When polished by machine, the vitamin 'B' of rice gets 75 percent, and the protein gets destroyed 30 percent. Rice is soft and nutritious.

Some people do not include water in a balanced diet. Medical experts refuse to drink water with food. Water is vital for physical strength and energy. Digestion is done with the help of water. Lack of water decreases the musculature of the body. Life becomes difficult. Water is obtained from the rivers, ponds and wells. River water was considered to be more potent, but the water of the river becomes contaminated by putting the contaminated water of the streams into the river. In the water of the river, the water becomes more toxic by putting the garbage of tomorrow-factories.Diseases such as water consume different diseases. Water is distributed in the metros by purifying water from the water. Everyday adult men and women should drink 15-16 glasses of water. Summer requires more water.

Extra rain water, rivers, ponds and wells also gets water. Rain water is collected and purified. Different fruits and vegetables also have special quantities of water. 78 pomegranates, 85.5 in grapes, 87.8 in orange, 84.6 in season, 73.6 in pears, 89.6 in papaya, 86.5 in pineapine, 85.3 in apricot, 80.8 in fig, 84.00 in bell, 81.2 in amla, 95 in cucumber, and in cucumber 96.4, 95.6 in watermelon, 94.3 in tomato, 86.00 in carrot, 94.4 in radish, 90.2 in cauliflower, 91.7 in spinach, 70 in fenugreek, 81.8 in fenugreek, 83.8 in beetroot, and amount of water per 100 liters. In 100 grams, there is 50 grams of water in the village. In pregnancy, women get calcium, iron, phosphorus in adequate amounts by eating a lick.
Drinking cane juice destroys the loss of the muscles. The iron elements available in sugarcane juice provide great benefit to the body in anemia. Urine constipation is also destroyed.

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