@tyrnannoght : snaps & media, 20200208

in #upfundme4 years ago (edited)


“An inch of foreknowledge is worth ten miles of afterthought—”

― Jack Vance, The Jack Vance Treasury

Tyrnannoght is a game in development, turnbased / tactical / rpg / trading game which use a steemitwallet for playcoin (down to 25 potential digits), there's no e.t.a. as it is a hobby project : *it will be there when it's there*

At the moment :

(the thing here was a 'page not found' which turns out to be six pages of css and javascript for some reason ...)

@tyrnannoght holds:(20200202)

  • MOT : 11585 staked (#mediaofficials) - another week , and im less sure about MOT, its got market cap of $12k but its worth 1/100.000th of a dollar and it has nothing to back it, i just keep them around b/c they dont cost me anything to keep around but im not sure i want to be affiliated of connected with shady things that smell of drive-by ICO scams ... , i doubt i'll use them in promo when there's any section of the game (excluding the morgan-site) live , as said before : -im getting a strange vibe back mediaofficials.io gives bad certificate, the site itself is empty so is one other i have checked ... wouldnt be the first time powerhouses try to get other sites blacklisted by spoofing or fake spam-mail - but since the sites are empty i'll probably drop these
  • CCC : 2622 staked (+695 floating in cooldown) #CCC , (#creativecoin), well, creativecoin .. no more or less shady than any crypto i assume and well-adopted with a living actual community, hoping to see them expand on the options
  • GG : 1679 staked #GG (#steemace good-game tokens), same thing, community is very much alive , like anything on steemit you get the same people in the trending section (wink) so its normal and alive , and also : hoping to see them expand on the options in the future, get creative with whatever these things can do, if possible find ways to go about keeping it alive even if steem-engine were gone ... you have a centralized authority there, i have my views on that, but those are irrelevant to the game really and im trying hard to iron-face more into less enmity by changing 99% of the language i would normally use into the word 'peculiar' :) might take some time and without my marketing girlfriend there will be no salespitch or mediahype anyway, i get the feeling im treating this more like a demo or something, its always been a hobby project, not a market-researched product, fit to appeal to the biggest possible part of the common denominator ... we shall see, as we shall see, my first concern is how to make renting an actual server sustainable , with or without steemit ... :) sustainable meaning : me can afford it without digging a hole into my own wallet even if no one plays it (too much to ask ?), that way i dont have to answer to sponsors or holders or anyone anywhere who might think 'it might be better to ... do this or that ... instead of my thing, cuz i know where that would end up lol' ... independence, is what i always set out for since i was 20 and left home for the first time here in hellgium ... but this is not america ... or china for that matter, where things are possible on levels you'll simply never find here
  • there's others (UFM and TRENDO is stacking a little), but not in amounts worth mentioning atm, ufm ... use tags appropriately or at your own peril, whatever follows : i wont be the one to downvote but i have seen mentions of ppl selling tokens and then putting conditions on it ... blacklists and what not ... hard for me to deal with i cant figure out how anyone would blacklist me from using my BTC or LTC i paid for either ... but on steemit ... its an alien world :D
  • (autovoters are down until i can make them work from a VPS, the curation rewards dont pay for the electricity it costs to leave the machine on, thats a hard physical fact i simply cant keep denying :)

Some media :

tyrnannoght - media will be (at most) once a day until further notice

for the websites and other platforms scroll to the bottom of the post,
i check telegram once a day and will try the reply section on @tyrnannoght once a day but im not online 24/7 ofcourse

all images, code, programming, foul language, and about everything else copyright 2017 - 2150 alleycat.be (unless it is made available on opengameart or unless it is available on my sourceforge bit ) - trespassers in my cables will be shot, trolls will be marked ... survivors will be hung outside my window with their head on a pike on my driveway as a warning

i'll put up discord, facebook and the likes as it becomes available

the product will not make you rich nor will it make you popular or beautiful

i'm sure the post will find its layout sooner or later ... i don't want to force it, i'm a huge fan of posting rights ...

no salespitch

no mediahype

the game is NOT open source, neither is any of the code around it ... (to me that makes perfect sense actually), blizzard is not a youtuber and thus does not provide tutorials ... i am a peculiar person with nothing to prove (seems to make me unbearable to a certain type of control freak but like lady haha was born like that i think i was like this, not much i can do about that if i have to clean my own hall ...)

the game is NOT open source, neither is any of the code around it ... (to me that makes perfect sense actually)

it will be there when its there , as the cultists say here : "short-term is irrelevant" ;:)p

and then some ...

Shrouded in mist
on hilltop lies
the City of Night

(tyr - nan - noght)

is that even a haiku ? its one of the original random babbles from the original posts ...

hm ::)

ah ?

well ofcourse, harry potter was written by team Rowling and the Shining was written by team King

THE POINT IS, PRECIOUS, about all great works of art were not teamplay

for more you can check out :

pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/alleycatd0033/

twitter : https://twitter.com/tyrnannoght

The Youtube Channel (click)

any questions about anything, you can drop a note on telegram at : https://t.me/tyrnannoght

any kind of abuse (spoofed email spam or anything at all), please drop a note to report at : https://t.me/tyr_abusereports
(i had a few sending mails that according to any outlook user would look like theyre coming from my site, mostly from tencent cloud before but after my run-in with the polish anti sbi-squad now from a mailserver from an Austrian company, if you experience anything like that related to any of the games or websites, please do let us know, trying very hard to not even be able to be accused of anything (like NOT using steemconnect or any kind of cookies that store anything at all, NOT asking steemkeys and so on) but theres no defense against trolls, downvoters or scriptkiddies as most user wouldnt even bother checking, but IN CASE : then the channel IS there

The goldmanmorgan actual website : (the websites will be put both under tyrnannoght.eu)

The @tyrnannoght actual website (where the game will be, but for now just a small limbo (zone zero ) demo :

powered by : @steembasicincome , @incinboost , @team-cn , @ufm.pay

#upfundme #programming #gamedev #graphics #coding #simulation #game #rpg #goldmanmorgan #nbc #income-token #design #c-squared #creativecrypto #sndbox #palnet #neoxian #marlians #art #digitalart #redlambo #team-cn #nbc #income-token #design #c-squared #curie #creativecrypto #smartsteem #upmewhale #therising #tipu #postpromoter

pushed in your face with Sat Feb 8 04:00:03 UTC 2020



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why do i get the impression someone in the middle snuck something in ??

hmz, see , so i 'page not found' gets translated into 6 pages of css and javascript/html ... and we all wonder why the internet is clogging up





ufm ... use tags appropriately or at your own peril, whatever follows : i wont be the one to downvote but i have seen mentions of ppl selling tokens and then putting conditions on it ... blacklists and what not ... hard for me to deal with i cant figure out how anyone would blacklist me from using my BTC or LTC i paid for either ... but on steemit ... its an alien world :D

We haven't blacklisted anyone, and haven't even turned on blacklisting via steem-engine... The only way I would blacklist someone is if they bought in specifically to attack the community... The needs of the many would then outweigh the needs of the one.

Games running on UFM do have a blacklist, however no one (besides @upfundme to create floats without automatic refunds) is on it either....

thanks for the clarification :) i think the post was adapted a while ago though or recently, much appreciated response !!!

A blacklist response in crypto isn't unheard of either.... They just don't call it blacklisting. An example was when the DAO (ETH token) was attacked and drained of funds, ETH was forked and the user who drained it was unable to use those eth tokens.

If you were speaking of blacklisted tags, this was done to reduce spam. Users can still use these tags if they wish, those specific posts just won't earn UFM or show up on upfund.me....

I don't see this as a limitation on how you can USE your tokens, but a limitation on how new tokens can be EARNED. It's like how you cant mine LTC with a bitcoin ASIC miner, you would require a litecoin mining rig (in other words, a limitation) ...

I hear EOS blocked some accounts too but i see things a little differently. Other than the classic chains (accused of having no utility but clearly worth a lot more than those who do). What i call the neo-chains , ETH, TRX, EOS are like as far from de-centralized as the actual concept goes. No one rules BTC or LTC, you simply have too many nodes for that and here on this very very very very small niche called STEEM you basically get 10 people (thats including the company) deciding , the so called 'dex' steem-engine is more of the same as its a centralized entity governed by a few people : you keep your tokens on it , if steem-engine tomorrow says : we close ? then what .. i have a few miners too but they're pretty expensive (which in essence means your coin is alive which is a good thing lol), i wasnt even expecting a response. Plenty of hollows (like #mot) which boast all these webites but if you go take a look none of them have even an index page of content but its the nature of the beast here. The good ones are hard to find

thanks a whole bunch for the clarifications :) Much appreciated if people follow up on their ... 'products' (?) since back when i heard about BTC and thought it a scam and didnt wanna cpu-mine it , going over mtGox up until now ive seen too much of Crypton being a total cess-pool and i have my severe doubts about the rules of the little puddle here as well but i think everyone can draw their own conclusions. I already decided what was to be 'a game on the steemchain' will be 'a game with a crypto-wallet as a gimmick option' ...
Best of luck then, the better your stuff does the more it gets me, calle me pragmactical (not a spelling mistake) if you like but i think underneath the 'spirit of yohoho and collaboration almost anyone here has actually signed up because the frontpage said :
post shit stuff , get money

i dont pay much attention to the whole thing anymore, they have been milking custom json which was available from the start , prolonguiing the whole smt/nft thing, first with the tribes while utopian or steemstem or musing had those things loooooong before lol now this 8kb of custom json suddenly will be smt's and nfts which is the same custom json actually as far as i know
so i check once a week, maybe once a month to see if anything has actually happened, other than that i just check this game-feed for replies in case anyone would actually have 1 iota of interest in it ;--)

SO ... (my ex always used to t(y)ell : 'cant you just say yes or no?')

i guess not :D

(and good luck :p )

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