Why I have been gone so long.

in #update6 years ago

Hey everyone! I know I have been gone such a long time. Sometimes life kicks in and forces us into reality to deal with issues beyond our control.

Recently I have found out that my landlord who I pressed charges against had been feeding my cat poison. He claims she was eating when she was brought to my grandmother in law's home... Yeah, eating poison he had been feeding her.

After bringing her to the vet, we found out that she had a large amount of antifreeze in her system after having her put to sleep for not eating for almost 2 weeks... We had been feeding her very watered down wet food just to get her to eat SOMETHING...

So since she was registered with the state as a therapeutic support animal, we are looking into pressing charges for using the poisoning of a therapy animal to further abuse someone with a restraining order.

On another note, I also got a new modeling job. Location and details will be released soon, but for now, lets focus on my updates.

This job has pictures of the landlord who poisoned my best friend, Zelda the cat, and the 2 known accomplices who lived with him and stole some of our property from the locked garage, including my bed. They will not be allowed in the store and are banned due to ongoing harassment.

Our family is currently safe. For the time being...

I am currently 42 weeks pregnant now with our first boy! IMG_20180920_122101_661.jpg


**So happy to see you!! **

Welcome back and sorry about Zelda :(

Thank you 😘 as I comment here I am in the hospital about to deliver a baby most likely. We will be getting a new kitten after that.

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