"An Ordinary Filipina who is Confidently Beautiful with a Heart": An entry to @surpassinggoogle's #UNTALENTED contest

in #untalented7 years ago

"An Ordinary Filipina who is Confidently Beautiful with a Heart"

Hello Fellow Steemians! I know this post has been too late, It's because I've been having a hard time thinking who I really am. There's just so many things and I could not think what to say but here it is.

As Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach said, "I want to show the world - the universe rather - that I am confidently beautiful with a heart." I never think of myself as beautiful because of my insecurities. I thought I could never be one, until I realized that beauty is only a matter of perspective. If you don't believe in yourself, then who else will?

Enough with the drama, now let's talk about my love for animals especially dogs! I even think kidnappers can lure me in with dogs, lol (It’s a weakness). We have 7 dogs at home and I love them like family. Dogs will never break your heart.

That's Maggie and Duday from left to right.

I am a Food Enthusiast and I personally think that filipino cuisine is the best! Put a lechon baboy (roasted pig) on the table and the whole barangay will devour it neatly without waste. Filipinos are known for being very hospitable and generous, and when it comes to food, sharing is loving. It's more fun eating with a bunch of people you dearly love.

The photo below was during my mother's 50th birthday last September 30, 2017 - @glyphzero, @barbiee, @xyza, me and my mother, @asbonclz, kuya kim - from left to right with a stunning 48 kilos of lechon baboy!!!

Me just having a photoshoot while eating PIZZA!

I think we all are sorry when we are hungry.

We all deserve a PIZZA, here feast your eyes!

I also sing but mostly only in the shower. Me and my brother, @asbonclz will often collaborate at home. He’d play the guitar and we’d sing for our parents. I actually won a singing contest during high school, me and my classmate sang a duet of "Endless Love" by Luther Vandross ft. Mariah Carey.

Lastly, I was a dota player! I played for over 2 years and stopped since entering college. I learned how to play because of @asbonclz. He’d play and I’d watch him how he does it. Fortunately, I was able to stop since it wasn’t a great help for me as my eye sight was affected.

Photos taken by my Iphone 6 camera.

That's all. Thank you for reading! Have a nice day!


You are undeniably beautiful with a heart kabayan @shairanada! We all are :)

And oh! If you happen to visit here in Cebu, I would love to treat you with our famous crispy lechon. So delicious. Like us. Hahaha

Ayyeeii thank you! Im looking forward for that treat! Hahahaha where can I contact you?

Obviously you don't love dogs the same way you love pigs ? Aaah traditions...
Nevertheless, they have the same feeling, friendly and smarts...

o my god that pig!!

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upvoted dear..have a great day ahead. ^-^

First of all You are not ordinary. And secondly you are too beautiful by appearance and by heart too :) About the your heart thing you know it better because its yours :)

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