in #untalented7 years ago

Although we do not have an instructional manual for life, we are each given special women to guide us, help us through our challenges and cheer us on when we succeed.It has never really occurred to me to ever write anything about my mum, since I loosed her to the cruel hands of death.. Infact, the only time, i ever wrote a short note concerning my mum, it was on her obituary book. Now that @surpassinggoogle has brought such a wonderful topic up, I think this is the best time to appreciate her for the wonderful life she gave to me and the morals she impacted on my life.

I don't really know were to start from but I have to start from somewhere and land somewhere 😊😊

Something happened, that I will love to share. Recently, my sister  gave birth to her third son. The two grown up kids (about the age of 3 and 5 years respectively), were playing with toys and one of them mistakenly hit the eyes of the new born baby with her toy car and injure the baby, the Mum was so devastated and had  to rushed the baby to the hospital and the Optician told them, they will have to put a particular eye drop in the baby's eye every 1hr for two months, day and night or the baby risk going blind in that eyes. You need to see the love of a mother been displayed, staying awake, setting alarm all the time, mother and father taking turns at midnight. Then I sat down and asked myself, which love is more greater than the love of a mother, so this is what my mum, must have passed through while I was a baby because of sickness and having sleepless nights just to pacify me not to cry at night or to breastfeed me, nurture me till who I've become today. I think every mum deserve a medal of honour every day of there life. 

My mom was my teacher and mentor :

Who sat and watched my infant head,

When  sleeping on my cradle bed,

And tears of sweet affection shed?

My Mother - By Ann tailor

Growing up as a child, this was the first poem, I ever learnt from my mum. I remember the first time, i heard the song in class, how excited I came back home telling my mom, that they sang her song in school. I even had to ask her, how come she always keep repeating only "stanza 1"  for me, instead of her to tell me she didn't know the remaining stanzas, she will reply me, "that's the reason my dad is paying my fees, to go to school and learn the remaining ones for myself." 😂 😂 .

She was always patient enough to teach me my  assignment and thought me a lot about life and that has been like a guiding principle In every decision i take.

My mom was my own Personal Super Hero:

You know one thing about every mum, they are our body guards when we were little children. Most times when I misbehave and my dad wants to flog me, my mum is always the first person I run to for protection. She has a way of pacifying him when his angry.. (strength of a woman). 

Even when, I've gone outside to look for kids trouble and I'm been chase by them to beat me, her name is the first name I shout for help... Funny enough, she comes out from the blue, my personal Super Woman, to protect me from danger!! Mums are always the sweetest. 

Loving and caring :

There is this bond of emotional attachment between my mum and  their children. I think every woman exhibit that behavior subconsciously without them knowing, maybe that is why dad's always get jealous..😂 ( that is going to be a post for another time). My mom will always do everything within her power to provide what we want.. "Though she will always complain about spoiling us" but the fact still remains that mums hate to see there children sad. Even when we the children are grown up, she still hates seeing us keep a sad face.

Mama's cooking 

I have always wondered, what's the secret ingredient that our mum always put in there food that makes it always the best in the mouth of there children?

 Back in primary school, whenever lessons for that day was over? The first thing I think of, its my mums food even without pulling my school uniform, I rush 🏃 straight to the dinning table to eat my food. Though she's no more alive, I really missed her great cooking. You never can tell , I may be lucky enough to get married to a lady who cooks like Her.😉😉

There are so many things my mum has done for me and I will love to use the little chance to appreciate her :

Thank you mum for the love and kindness you showed towards me and shaping my life to be this responsible man I have become. I know most times, I have been like a pain in your neck and have go against you in a million ways but yet you still had patient with me and always forgive me. 

 Thank you mum for your unending affection and been the best mum in the whole world to me. Thank you mom for being my superhero, my expert-in-everything, and my very best friend. 

I promise not to fail you and follow the guiding principles you have always imbibe in me. 

In loving memory of my sweet mum (1960-2012)

I love u Mum. 

Before, I end the post , I'll also love to give a moment of silent to honor the Mum of one of our great and most love steemian, @surpassinggoogle , who just passed away to bossom of the Lord. May God give you and your family the strength to bear the loss. Accept my condolence, my dear friend. 

Cheers to all the mothers all over the world. May all of you be blessed. 🍷 

Images from my phone.

Mummy's love is love like no other.Am so touched each time i see male folks describing and showing much affection and appreciation for their mother. May mummy live long for you and i wish you a good woman also like mummy, so your sons will rise up and praise her one day like you are doing for mum.

Ko si orisha bi iya the Yorubas would say "that's no god like mothers"

Mama's love is like no other, her sacrifice were numerous, the care and so on..long live our mothers!

Mums are the best

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