in #untalented7 years ago


From left to right you can see Jasmina,me(@lizbethy),Natilda and Maryjane.For us friendship was'nt just about going to places to hangout or chill or have fun within ourselves and laugh at Naty's jokes(she is the craziest of us all),nope,we are closer than that,we are a family of sisters from different mothers who have always watched out for ourselves.
On my first visit,on arriving Belgrade I first met with Jasmina who was my neighbor and she was kinda weird because she talked a lot and was happy i spoke English fluently like her since Serbia is'nt an English-speaking nation and she was'nt so accustomed to the Belgrade environment.
On our first hangout together after we started getting along,I and Jasmina while choosing a movie at downtown Belgrade cinema saw two girls who opted to see the same movie as us so we all sat together and after the movie we had a chat and it turned out that Natilda and Maryjane came from New Jersey and had been in Serbia for a year before we met.We live close to each other so we started doing things in common and we turned out to be very close friends till today.The only odd thing about us is that I am black skinned but against the odds we just became best friends and we all learnt to adjust for ourselves and take care of our needs.
My friendship with these my girls taught me a lot about trust and until today i hold such lessons to heart. Most people make friendship with peers they want to be like and instead of being friends they live a fake friendship life where they end up only trying to impress their peers but that is not the main essence of friendship or making friends.A lot of young people find themselves in this pitiful bracket and in times of need when the true qualities of a friend should pop-up you see them get disappointed to the point that they call their once-a-friend an enemy and that instigates hate!Most friendships among we youths that end up in us being enemies with old friends is never an attitude problem but friendships break due to disappointment feeling.

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