Self-Esteem and Steemit..., the similarity is just uncanny.

in #untalented7 years ago (edited)

Okay, so while browsing through Steemit reading and learning, I got the above topic running in my head. Self-Esteem and Steemit. You know we have an esteem app, so it is no surprise that he name plays into Steemit as well.
What is self-esteem and how does it play into our lives as Steemians, or how does it play into my life as a Steemian?

What is Self-Esteem?

Self-esteem is one's overall emotional evaluation/acceptance of his or her worth.
Self-esteem is something that was instilled in us during our youthful days and we went through life living to be worth that way. But, criticism from family, friends, and society in general tends to slowly strip us of our feelings of self-worth.
Many have been known to give up on themselves because the world constantly made them feel unworthy and no matter how hard they try, they just keep getting the disapproval of the world.

What is Steemit?

Steemit is a freedom based social network that rewards you to socialize irrespective of who you are and what you do; it is home to the creative commons.- my definition.*
As a social network on the Blockchain, you are made to decide what you want and how you intend to get what you want. The earnings is not reserved to some shareholders but to everyone who actively participates.

I like the fact that when you happen on Steemit, you are automatically made to feel like, a Star. Unlike other traditional social media, Steemit has this thing that just makes it home to everyone.
Working with STACH in onboarding new users makes me really see the way Steemit helps boost the self-esteem of many. People are genuinely moved to help you get back on your feet, you are made to see that no one see you for less of who you are but that you are just special the way you are.

When @surpassinggoogle released #untalented, I just concluded that Steemit really is home to everyone.

If you lack self-esteem, you will definitely be without confidence and without confidence, you will be without a reason to live.
Low Self-Esteem has made many to withdraw from themselves and the world. So, how do you regain your confidence? How do you have it in you to live life as you should?

Before Steemit, I was always on Facebook, instagram, Snapchat and Twitter desperately trying to get approval of the internet as I tried to socialize.
You see, I lost myself esteem because I was always trying to o with the flow of the community which was always one step ahead in terms of creating trends that just made you get excited and unrewarded.
The trends change fast, the game became really dirty and predictable, naked pictures broke the internet and those of us who couldn't afford to go naked, got pushed to the background and the internet of things got owned by a few.

Steemit isn't like that. From the registration process to the writing, waiting and finally seeing your earnings drop into your wallet, it helps you form a mindset of responsibility and confidence.
Steemit is for everyone and irrespective of the fact that not everyone can write, you can be part of the social network that rewards you to socialize.
I have come to learn so much in a very short time and I am happy I found myself here. I have become a kind of teacher and helper to many since actively Steeming and I love the way it makes me feel.

Self-Esteem and Steemit are related in more ways than one because I have become an active earner using this platform, (the amount doesn't matter here.) I have learnt to think of others and put them first.

I am no longer worried that the naked people are taking over the internet because the means to earning on Steemit is not by your dressing, your vulgarity, your criminality or insensitivity to others plight, but by your Proof Of Brain.

Before Steemit, I lost my self-esteem because I was coming from a community that didn't give me a change to innovate, but on getting here, I found my mojo.
Innovation just happens to be at every corner and you cannot but innovate for the good of humanity.

Grab on the Steem and get back your Self-Esteem!


Image source. 12

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