in #untalented6 years ago (edited)

In the Philippines and to some part of the world, March is the month of commencement. Commencement means ending something and starting something at the same time. Many people are about to march their way to success. To be in the part of graduating ceremony is everyone's dream. But the reality is, behind every graduation toga, every graduation ceremony there are many parents who sacrifices a lot just to give education to their children. Parents who experience sleepless night just to work and to finance our education, parents who toil day and night, parents who experience problems and trials in life just to bring us to our gate of dreams - Graduation.

To honor our parents is a command from God, that's why I made this post to salute my parents to honor my parents and to tell the world that without them I am not in my position today. All the credits belongs to my parents, it is not by our ability but it is by God who gives my parents strength and dedication to give us education.

Ephesians 6:2 "Honor your father and mother"--which is the first commandment with a promise"

To all parents out there I want to say to all of you that you are very important, your contribution in building child's future is very priceless. Your sowing is not easy that's why you deserve to reap what you sow.

To all children out there if you come to read this post I summon you please honor your parents, give them token of appreciation, bring them to mall, give them what they want, give them money, bring them to spa, bring them to salon let them feel that you honor them.

Saying "I love you" is good but definitely they need cash. Don't get me wrong, loving them is what all they need but practically speaking they need tokens, they need "honorarium". Honoring requires honorarium and the best honorarium that we could give is the thing that they could use - Money. That is their reaping moment. Honor them while they are still with us, let them feel that you appreciate all their efforts.

The reason why I posted our graduation pictures because I want to tell the world that our parents are awesome. They don't have proper education, they haven't attended college but they prevented us in experiencing the same that's why they pursue to give us education. My mother and father is a Calamansi vendor before but their earnings cannot sustain all our needs. My father decided to go abroad so that he can provide for us and for almost 25 years my father is working in abroad but every after two years he has a vacation of two months to spend with us and we treasure those months. This time my father will go back with us for good because all of us are done in our study and I think it is his time to relax and enjoy his time with us.

We are 6 siblings and our oldest sister gave her way just for us, and after finishing our courses we plan to bring her to school even at least two years course in college will do so that the 6 graduation pictures will be complete. I salute also my oldest sister because she became a very helpful assistant to my mother in raising us up. That's why I really love my ate. (Ate is how we call the oldest sibling). I realized

Life is so very fast, life is so short, that's why we need to value our parents, our education and our family.

Steemians, let us value the people around us before we missed them, let us value education because many people cannot afford it. Let us appreciate everything we have because always remember we are living in someone else's dream.

Thank you for reading!

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This post has been nominated for @steemitfamilyph Daily Featured Articles. Good luck! :)

@chinitacharmer :) Thanks for choosing my post. Good to read comments from you also.

It's the dream of every parent to see their children finish education and be successful.
Truly the best gift we can repay them for all the sacrifices they made for us. Well said. Thanks for sharing!

Congrats to the new graduates!

Thanks @steemitfamilyph for recognizing this post.

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