Your steem power,your real power!

in #untalented7 years ago (edited)

steemad9f2.jpg image source: google search

Thanks a lot to @surpassinggoogle for your post. I was inspired to write on this topic while reading your post. Thanks so much sir.

Don't be deceived,our coming here on steemit is much more than just to post nice articles for people to read and enjoy,if that is the case,a lot of us won't be here,we would have stick to our facebook accounts,but we are here for something extra,better and bigger. Steemit allows you to put your creativity to use and reward you for it which other social platform don't do. So,if the reward promised by steemit is part of the many reasons you are here,please read through for you will start making much more money afterward.

Your success on steemit lie largely on your investment on steem power (sp).
Have you ever wondered why it is called by that name? Anyway the answer is just too straightforward, it is because that is where your real power lies. More powerful than your steem dollar (sbd). Your sbd can only give you cash now, but your steem power gives you more cash on the long run.
What do you do with your sbd?
Reinvest part of your sbd in steem power,this will accelerate your growth.

And what do you do with power?
Power gives you influence and allow you to take charge by placing you at the very top, in other words,if your area of influence increases,you will be handsomely rewarded for every little efforts,because people will find it much easier to associate with you,who don't want to associate with great people?
While reading one of @stellabelle posts sometimes ago,he was advising us to reinvest in steemit,I never understood what that meant then because I was still new to the system. But now I can say boldly that his words on that day meant that you invest on steem power,for their lies your real power.

2017-11-01 06.28.27.jpg source: google search

Why still 0.01 voting power?
Have you ever wondered while your voting power is still at 0.01? It is because you have not been doing enough to acquire the necessity.
I know of two friends here on steemit @stellabelle and @swissclive. If just the two of them should give you their hundred percent votes,you will surely have more than 50sbd. You say wow! Yes,that's the truth. What differentiate their votes from yours is their untiring sacrifice to keep investing on steemit.
Before you cash out all your SBDs next time,think of investing some in steem power,I tell you that you will have a better and brighter result than you expected by the time your investment start paying

Much more than influence!
With your investment on steemit, you are creating more capacity on the platform as well. Have you ever wondered where the money you make on steemit came from? I keep asking the same question until the day I read about @stellabelle post. My orientation changed ever since then. If you keep investing into the system, you are creating more room capacity for the new users and pushing yourself up the ladder. If those ahead are interested in cashing out all their monies without investing back into the system,steemit wont this make sense by now. If you join the investors,you are only making the community condusive for us all.

Before you think cash out once,think investment twice. @supersinggoogle said and I quote "before you find steemit,you pay bills". This statement is so deep that I have to note it down. Steemit will definitely help you out of poverty if you are in one. If steemit should touch your life,your life will never be the same again due to it amazing touch.lols. But your untiring investment pushes you up the ladder faster than you can imagine.

Have you ever dreamed of becoming one of the whales?

Invest your way to the very top. You can become a whale if you can determine to do what the whales did and are still doing when they were like you and now that they have grown. I know it is not easy,I know you will need the money now to settle some bills,but the future is not too far from now,start investing into it and you will reap the reward later.

multiethnic-group-of-people-holding-the-word-thank-you-picture-id484741593.jpg .source google search

Thanks @supersinggoogle for your work,I got inspired through it. Your kind of person is so unique you do everything to elevate those under you. Thank you sir.

Thanks @stellabelle for your work and your untiring effort to improve this community,my orientation has changed ever since i met you and have been reading about you from you.

Thanks @swissclive for your works,it infused a believing spirit in me, now my thinking is "I can if you can". I so much cherish your efforts in rewarding talents. You are the best of your kind.

Thanks my wonderful friend @alexandraclive for you have been their for me always, you still encouraged me even when I make mistakes. Also for your gift,it mean a lot to me. You are the best artist by far!


And to my new friend @everlove,you are sensitive enough to pick that name for everything about you Speaks love. Commenting that nicely on my post speak volume about you ma.

And to all my followers,109 and still counting. You are all amazing.


Spot on. I read @surpassinggoogle 's post, and @stellabelle with @swissclive too and they are all on point. They nailed it. I also read that of @darmath (don't mind me, i like learning) and it's all about keeping the ecosystem running. Thank God we all don't have the same mentality, if not, the system would have been non existent and not as promising as it is now if we all just do cash out. We need the flow in the ecosystem not just for smooth running but for the value of steem to increase. We have a remarkable increase in the value of steem due to the selfless acts of these people and more. After reading @surpassinggoogle 's post yesterday, i had to move swiftly to power up and i did. Now is the best time to do it. I have done power ups like four to five times now and i wish i got more then. Better late than never right? I am surely getting more. We need to think more long term about this community if we really care about it. This platform is special and we should treat it as such. Think future. Think investment. Thank you for lending your voice too.

That is just the point,a lot of steamians need to be re-orientated. The more we invest into the system,the better it become. Thanks for your kind word,i'm honored with it

Anytime bro. Thank you for driving home the point again.

Thank you @emmakwisequote for your loving expression. I see you used the #thankyouforbeing tag....which will help us keep this love afloat and expanding throughout this amazing community. You have a great eye for awesomeness, as is evidenced by those of whom you speak. I'm grateful for your appreciation...gratitude really does amazing things to the psyche. Blessed to be a part of your story!

I'm honored with your kind words @everlove. I'm glad you appreciate my gratitude. We can't love less as your name implies.. Smile

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