TearDrops smt token rewarding proof of tears: My Tears is my strength. So they are my tears, my mom and my dad!
There is another chance of pouring out what is inside of us by joining @TearDrops smt token rewarding proof of tears by @surpassinggoogle. This is our chance to share the world, how is our tears bring us to who we are right now.
For 28 years of my existence in earth i could say, i am so lucky and i am so blessed having a family who are God centered, well oriented and family cultured. We are not rich, My mom and Dad are working hard to raised us for good and gave us a good education. And they spend a lot of their time working for good..but now, they are old and weak, supposedly they will be enjoying life as of now, as they are getting old. But it is not what we are expected...
They are weak not because they are old, they are weak because of sickness, and it makes me cry and tears.
A happy faces, despite of their conditions. Happiness is priceless and it is not limited
My mom and dad, its not the current time pictures. It was 4 years ago.
I am far from my parents and i can only spend time with them twice a month and i spend 2 to 3 days due to my work. One of the reason why i am working hard, it is because of them. They are my strength for my everyday journey, they are one of my goal to give them the best life whatever i can.
My dad, is really a hard working man. At his age, he can manage to fixed his fishing nets. Thought, he have people who do the fishing task.If i can pay back all the things they did, it could be the rest of life. But i need to find myself and create my own family as well.
How i wish, he will be able to regain more strength to do his usual work. It is what makes his day productive, doing his daily task and making things to make self busy. Because, he don't want to get weak by just staying inside his room and sleeping all day.
My dad told me, someday when i have my own family i should never get tired of loving them. Giving them the best life and making the most happy family i could. No matter how difficult the life is, the most important things is that...the family is the one who will strengthen you and will lift you up from downfall.
Indeed, really true. This is the wisdom that i am holding on. A family is the most important things in earth, no matte where you are, no matter what status of life right now. Your family, is your strength.
His Current Picture, this is what makes me cry and my tears are falling down right now while writing this post.
Obviously, my dad is not in good condition. Those smiles from above pictures are taken 4 years ago. He cant smile the same smile he made before.
He has only one lung functioning right now. One of his lung has already collapsed. We are afraid that his remaining lung are affected with the other one as well. All medication are made and he has daily dosage of medicine consumption. Even my dad, looking for the best remedy for himself. It is showing that he is not losing hope and tried to regain the hope that someday everything will be alright.
All of his medication cost a lot, really a lot..this is one reason and he is one reason why i keep on working hard to sustain his medication, because he is my strength. I don't want to see him weak, because it is making me weak as well.
This post is dedicated to him, and whatever it earns will be for his medication.
Dad, this for you. You might not read this, but you know how much i love you.
Aww... My mother also had her lungs collapsed then. Hope he will soon be better
I wish, we are keeping his last lungs healthy.
I can feel that this is very difficult for your father. My grandmother experienced difficulty of breathing and nebulization was not enough. So my tita and tito and decided to buy an oxygen tank, so that whenever needed, with the right gauge, she will feel relieved. I am missing my Inang so much, but she passed away 4years ago. She is now with Ama. I hope they are both happy now =)
Jehovah heals!
Im in tears right now bro @bobiecayao... I hope your father will get better and will stay with your family a lot longer. I understand the pain as my father was diagnosed with tuberculosis 2 or 3 yrs ago it was very hard to see your father getting weak.. Good thing god is so good and healed him ...im praying for the recovery of your father. 🙏🙏🙏
We are praying that he will have at least a strength to fight for this sickness.
Very touchy, thanks for sharing, I wish your father good health.
Cool dad
nice sir, thanks for sharing your 'proof of tears' story. This really inspires me a lot.
Oh... Hope he will get soon.
Dprayers he gets well parents are our strength
all the best to your mom and dad.
You will be blessed bro. Taking care of your mom and dad are priceless. Love them endlessly.